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"They were born in stable orbits within black holes. Creatures formed from the primary elements: air, water, fire, earth. The science division had a technical name... we just called them elementals." Beck continued with his explanation on the kind of monsters they had seen that morning. He got visual support from the holograms before him, which exhibited graphics of all the creatures he was mentioning. Jessica opted to not say anything. She was going to listen first, see how Beck acted, and then draw any conclusions. 

"Versions of them exist across all mythologies," Hill added. "turns out the myths are real."

"Like Thor." Said Peter. "Thought he was a myth and now we study him in our physics class."

"These myths are threads." Fury pointed at the images in the hologram.

"They first materialized on my earth many years ago. We fought them, but with each battle, they grew, got stronger. I was part of the last battalion that was trying to stop them. All we did was delay the inevitable."

"The elementals are here now. They are attacking the same coordinates, our satellites confirm it." Fury backed him up. That made Jessica think. Fury was known for his paranoia. He was usually distrustful and suspicious of others. Why was he trusting Beck so easily? Was he the reason why Jessica couldn't find any information about the new 'hero'? Did Fury wipe out all records of him? "Thank Mr. Beck for destroying the other three. There's only one left: fire."

"It's the strongest of them all. The one that destroyed my earth. It's the one that took my family." As he said that, Beck looked down to his hands. He rubbed the wedding band he was wearing with wistfulness.

"I'm sorry." Peter empathized with him. Once again, Jessica said nothing, but this time, it was out of respect for the people he had lost.  

"And it will be in Prague in approximately 48 hours." Hill stated.

"We've got one mission: kill it." Continued Fury. "And you're coming with us."

"I'm sorry, did you say Prague?" There was a calm silence before the words hit Jessica. She blinked and then looked at Peter. "We can't go to Prague."

He knew that as well. "Mr. Fury this all seems like big time, you know, huge superhero kind of stuff and... I mean I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

Fury stood up. "Bitch, please, you've been to space!"

"That was an accident." Peter clarified.

Fury also looked at Jessica. "And you shot Thanos with a weapon you built!"

"That was not an accident." She said. "But there must be someone else you could use."

Peter nodded. "What about Thor?"


"Okay, um... Doctor Strange?"


"Really?" Jessica arched an eyebrow as she took out her phone. "I could double-check, I have his number..." She then realized everyone was staring at her. Peter gazed at her with narrow eyes. "What?"

"Captain Marvel?" He suggested to Fury, still looking at the girl.

"Don't invoke her name."

Jessica took a step closer to the spy. "Look, I wish we could help, I really do, but we're on a class trip. We can't leave it just like that."

"And if I'm seen like this in Europe, after the Washington Monument, my whole class will find out who I am and then the whole world will figure out who I am and then I'm done."

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