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Her eyes opened when she heard everyone around her murmur. Jessica woke up to the carnival's music and festive sounds. Prague was filled with disguised people and infinite color lights in its streets. She didn't remember when she had fallen asleep. She knew it had to be shortly after the incident with the drone had taken place. She was so tired from the previous night that she hadn't been able to stay awake. 

As soon as the bus stopped, they got out to find themselves in front of a beautiful hotel building. The inside was just as nice-looking, if not more. The lobby had along appeared bigger than the whole hotel they stayed in Venice. Talk about an upgrade... Jessica was starting to think about working with Fury more often. 

"This place is so classy..." Betty said in aw as they gazed at the silky white walls garnished with paintings framed in gold. There were even a piano and someone who got paid to play it.

"I've never been somewhere like this..."

"Speak for yourselves." Flash smirked. "I'm home."

"Maybe the highjack wasn't so bad, after all." Peter stood next to Jessica, as astonished as everyone else. 

Before she could reply, Mr. Harrington called everyone to regroup around him. "Everyone, get settled in, rest up. Because tonight..." He paused for suspense. "Big surprise: It's Prague's annual carnival of lights."

All of a sudden, both Peter and Jessica's phone started ringing. They looked at each other before walking away from the group and answering.

"Parker, it's Hill." Peter heard from the other end of the line. "There's an earpiece in the bag with your suit. Put it on and await further instructions. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded, even though she couldn't see him do so. "But what about Jessica? She didn't get a new suit."

"There's a package with a similar suit as yours waiting for her in your hotel room."

"And couldn't I have gotten my suit the same way?" He asked, incensed, but by the time he had finished the question, Hill had already hung up. "Hello?"

Jessica approached him when she saw he was done. "Was that Hill?"

"Yeah." He put his phone back in his pocket. "They made you a new suit. A stealth one, so you won't get recognized."

"I know." She nodded holding her phone up to support her point. "Fury called me."

He expected Jessica to ask him about what happened on the bus, but instead, she looked away from him and stared at the class group. "Peter, there's no way we can let them get hurt." She said, concerned. "They are all counting on us."

Those words stayed with Peter. She was right, everyone was counting on them. They couldn't fail now. And he already felt guilty enough from almost killing everyone with a drone back in the bus. 

"Parker!" He stopped resting against the fireplace as his thoughts were interrupted by Fury yelling at him. They had called them both to go over the plan before the monster came. They had settled in a building he had thought was historical and not accessible to the public. But then, of course, Fury didn't count as part as the public. Peter had been so caught up in his thoughts that he had stopped listening to the one-eyed spy a long time ago. "That thing is going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you?"

He looked at him with his fists resting on his sides. Jessica did too, but her arms were crossed over her chest. She was leaning on the opposite side of the fireplace and hadn't said anything to him after leaving the hotel. Peter was starting to feel even worse for the drone thing and not telling her what was all about. The guilt was eating him alive.

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