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Peter watched her stay still, paralyzed by her own actions. She had tears running down her face and the shock was very prominent in her expression. Slowly, and having her sigh fixed on the ground, she turned towards his direction. She only glanced at him for a short minute before she jumped out of the bridge's upper walkway. She was freaking out. 

He saw how she landed. She fell on her knee and it took her a second to get her balance back. When she started moving down the main deck, Peter jumped behind her. He tried to shoot a web at her once they were at the same level, but then he remembered he had run out of them. He ran faster and eventually caught up with her halfway through the bridge.

"Jess!" He yelled as he threw himself at her to top her. They both hit the ground.

"Let me go, Peter." Her voice was really shaky. "I need to get out of here before they find out w-what I did." He could tell she didn't want to say what she had done. That she had killed a man.

"But it was in self-defense." Peter reminded her. She kept trying to push him away but he held her tighter, not willing to let her go. "We'll just say that. They'll understand-"

"But it wasn't." She said after managing to escape his grip. "He was right, I didn't have to kill him. But I wanted to." Her voice broke again. "I wanted to kill him."

Peter didn't say anything. Instead, he lifted the fabric around his neck in order to fit his hand in there. He took out the necklace he once gave her. The one that had broken and he had promised to fix. He had kept it with him and had planned to give it to her while on the trip.

"I wanted to give you this..." He held it in his hand, showing it to her. "I had it fixed and I added a glass star while we were in Venice, but it's broken again."

She stared at it from the distance. Peter was hoping she'd pick it up, put it on and go back with him and the rest. He was hoping to find out a solution to the situation. And to find it together.

But she didn't plan to do that.

"Maybe it wasn't meant to be mended." Peter started feeling a pressuring sensation in his chest and throat. He knew that if he spoke now, his voice would break. He decided to step closer to her. But she took a step back. Her mind was set. "No... I'm not good enough anymore."

"W-what are you talking about? You're more than enough, Jess." He approached her again, this time standing close to her body. "We can do this. Together."

"Come with me." She placed her hands on his chest, almost begging him. Her eyes were wide and desperate for a reply like they were going mad. "Run away with me."

"You don't have to run away." Jessica pushed him away, shaking her head. "So, you're just gonna leave?" He asked, not believing it. She wasn't going to leave, was she? She was just freaking out. "Where are you even gonna go?"

"I don't know."

"What about what you said to me before?" He asked again, a raising his voice a little as his rage started to build through the hurt. "Were you just lying?"

"Peter, I can't take this anymore." She also raised her voice. "They'll never let me walk away from this. It's better off this way."

"For who?"

"For everyone!" Jessica finally yelled. "I can't keep them safe! The best thing I can do is run away!"

"Run away?!" He yelled back. "How can you do this? How can you do this to me?!"

There was a moment of silence between the two. He was scared to ask her if she still loved him. He was afraid she would say she didn't. If she loved him, why would she leave him? Peter was breathing heavily and Jessica wasn't looking at him anymore. She couldn't look at him.

mended 🕷️ peter parker [3]Where stories live. Discover now