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A/N: Thanks to everybody for the feedback in the new covers :) I'm really glad you like them ❤️

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The news persisted in displaying footage from the attack in the old town square. Peter had been spotted in his stealth suit, but instead of realizing it was actually Spider-Man, people were calling him the Night Monkey. The boy shook his head as he saw himself again in the hotel lobby's TV screens.

Just a few seconds after, the elevator doors opens and Jessica hopped off. Peter noticed she wasn't wearing her dress anymore and she had changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt. When she found Peter, she picked up her pace to get by his side, tightening her grip on her backpack so it wouldn't slip off her shoulder. 

"Hey! Are you ready to go?" He greeted her.


"Awesome." They started making their way out of the hotel. "Let's go."

The couple strolled down the streets of Prague. In contrast to a few hours ago, there wasn't any music playing or people cheering anymore. The carnival had ended earlier than expected that year. It was sad, Jessica thought, to see it end it so prematurely. Just like their trip. The next morning they would go back to New York and go back to their lives there. Jessica wished she could say that it was nice while it lasted, but the vacations hadn't been any different than her usual day-to-day life. 

She could point out some highlights of the trip, of course. And right now, walking alone with Peter, feeling the serenity of the city was one of them.

"This is nice." Peter finally broke the silence, reading Jessica's mind. 

The only thing she thought was weird was how non-verbal Peter was being. She was starting to think something was wrong.

They were about to step into the Charles Bridge, which was only illuminated by the street lights located alongside its borders. It was truly beautiful to Jessica's eyes. It was also the first time in a while since they were on a date without having to fight anybody. 

"Yeah, I'm glad we did this." Jessica smiled. "When was the last time we went on a proper date?"

"Gosh..." Peter looked up trying to remember. "Does the night we took the mafia down count as a date?"

She scrunched her face as she considered his answer. "I wouldn't count anytime you had your mask on as a date."

"Then I- Um..." Peter chuckled once more, defeated and with no replies. "I don't know, I don't remember." 

After that, he became quiet again. Something was definitely wrong with him... Jessica intertwined her fingers with his, making him look at her. Giving him another smile, she pulled him closer to the border of the bridge. She sat down on the railing and he did the same.

"You're not you tonight." She pointed out, at last. "Are you okay? Was Fury too harsh on you too?"

"Yeah, what happened before was pretty intense." He looked down at his hands. If only she knew what he was planning to give her... "But I guess I'm just nervous."

"Well, we know how that almost ended last time." Jessica joked. "What are you gonna do about it, nuke me? Trust me, it won't work."

"That was an accident." He chuckled, shaking his head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about that. You're right, it was stupid."

"I just don't get why did you think I wouldn't believe you." Jessica said. Peter turned to look at her directly in the eyes. "I lost you for five years and it was horrible. It's going to take more than one misleading picture for me to even think about leaving you."

His lips curved into a shy grin. "I should've thought about that."

"You know..." Jessica started, reminiscing. "Tony used to have this picture of you two, the one where you're holding the Stark Internship diploma upsidedown. He kept it in the kitchen and looked at it every night." She'd felt so much better after MJ had talked to her. She thought of doing the same for Peter. "You were important to him. That's why he left you EDITH."

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. "About that..."

Peter's expression left Jessica a bit concerned. "What did you do?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I handed EDITH to Mysterio." Jessica's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. She thought he had to be kidding. He had to be kidding. The one thing Tony left for him and he gave it away to a man he just met. At least he was smart enough to continue talking before Jessica had the chance to yell at him. "But think about it! He's the type of hero who should be in charge of something like that."

Jessica brusquely turned, accidentally knocking her backpack to the ground. "But why didn't you-"

Out of the blue, a cloud of grey and lightning appeared above their heads. They both got off the edge of the bridge and ducked to protect themselves. Before Jessica had the opportunity to use her powers, the cloud dissolved. Panting, the teens looked at each other perplexed and shocked.

"What was that?"

Peter got up first. The mechanical part that MJ had found on the street was on the ground and had lights glowing intermittently. He took it into his hands and examined it.

"I don't know, it came out of that." Jessica nodded her head towards the thing.

"It looks like some kind of projector. Where did you get this from?"

"MJ found it in the street during the attack."

He looked closer into it, amazed by its nature. "It's really advanced."

"It looked so real..." Jessica said, still thinking about the projection they just saw. It looked exactly like the elemental they had fought but made of clouds instead of fire. It took the girl no time to figure it out. "Wait does that mean that-"

"The elementals are fake?" Peter finished her sentence, looking as confused as her. "That doesn't make any sense because we were there, right? There were fire and destruction..." He looked at the projector again. "Who would do something like that?"

Another cloud appeared. This time, they could see the monster's face as well and even though she knew it was fake, Jessica backed up when the projection unveiled. This projection lasted longer than the previous one. Right when they thought it was going to end, a green laser hit the monster in the side of its head and, soon enough, a familiar silhouette came into their sight.

"Is that..." Jessica looked closer. The fishbowl helmet was unmistakable. "Mysterio?"

The image stopped and the projector ceased working. The teens looked at each other trying to understand what just happened and what that meant.

"I'm sorry." Peter almost whispered as he pressed the palms of his hands against his temples.

"Of course... Of course, it makes sense." Jessica had to sit down. Now it all came together. "I knew something was wrong when not even FRIDAY recognized him." She even sounded happy to have turned out to be right. "But why is he doing this?"

"Jessica..." Peter took her by the shoulders, bringing her back to reality. "I know you're trying to process all this new information, but do you remember a moment ago when I told you I gave EDITH to Mysterio?"

Jessica blinked twice.

"I'm gonna kill you." To Peter's surprise, her tone was calm, but he knew she was raging inside. "Mysterio is gonna kill us all. But then I'll come back and kill you."

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