Sabertooth Member

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I walked out of the infirmary and went to my room. I grabbed my bag and put some clothes in there. I put on a air of baggy pants, a shirt with a water pattern on it, black combat boots with flames on them. I slung the bag over my shoulder. I walked out of my room and went to Ace's room. "Hey Ace." She looked up at me and smiled. "I need your staff. I'm going to go to Sabertooth for awhile." She just looked very surprised. "If you need to Harper. I would like you to take Kai instead tho." "I want to take the staff. Also I need you to make me a promise. No matter what, don't participate in the GMG. Please." She hugged me and hugged me tight. "Ok Harper. I won't participate in the Grand Magic Games. I promise." She let me go and game me her staff. "Thank you Ace. I won't let anyone hurt me." "And here is something else for you Harper." She turned around and grabbed something out from under her pillow. "This is a necklace that Ogluia gave to me. It can protect you and dial down how much power you use." She gave it to me and I put it on. There was a picture of all four elements on it. It was very pretty. "Well bye Ace. I will see you later." I walked out of her room and went to the living room area o the guild. I walked over to Nashi, Igneel, and Shade. "Well I gotta go. I love you all and I will see you later." I hugged Nashi and ruffled up her hair. Iggy gave me a big hug and I kissed him on the forehead. I high fived Shade and then PantherLily walked up. "Here Harper. This is a cloak that is very special. I'm giving it to you because I know that you will need it." I just hugged him and walked away. I went to the front of the guild. I turned around and saw everyone staring at me. "Well I had to leave now. Make sure to keep my family safe. I am happy for all the friends that I have made. I want you all to know to keep up the good work. Goodbye." I saw that all of the friends I have made were stating at me. I caught Storm staring at me. I just winked at him and turned back around. I made the staff grow. I threw it in the air and jumped on. I flew away and left Fairytail far behind me. Here I come Sabertooth. After forever of flying, I landed in front of the Sabertooth guild. I jumped off the staff and put on the cloak. I put some red in my hair. I know had a red stripe and I knew what the guild would think. I was an outlaw. I held the staff in my hand and opened the front doors of the guild.
(Just so you all know. The couple's are Yukino and Sting, Rouge is with no one but he adopted.)
I saw kids playing around and then everyone stopped and stared at me. "Where is your master?" Two guys walked up to me. I knew who they were. Sting and Rouge, the twin dragonslayers. "That would be me, and who are you?" I just smiled and gripped my staff tighter. "My name is Harper and I am the newest member of your guild." Everyone laughed at that comment. "What kinda of powers do you have? Probably something stupid." A young boy came out from behind Sting. He had white hair and had no shirt on. "My name is Junior and I am 16. I am a light dragon slayer." A little girl popped out from behind him. She had spikey blond hair and light brown eyes. "My name is Ashley. I am 14 and a celestial wizard." I just looked back at Sting. "How about a make you a deal. If I beat one of your members who is my age, then I get to join the guild and I will participate in the grand magic games." I put my hand out and Sting just started at me. I could tell that Rouge was trying to read me. Well keep trying because I am a hard person to read. Rouge and Sting turned around and started talking. A woman joined them and they all started whispering. I felt a hand grip my shoulder really hard. I turned around and saw that boy from earlier. He tried to rip my cloak off. I whacked him really hard with my staff and took out his legs. "Now you made me mad."

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