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Leah's pov-
After dinner, we all went our separate ways. I went upstairs to my room to start getting ready for bed. I got into the shower and washed myself and my hair. Once I got out of the shower, I dried myself off and got changed into a pair of Nike sweatpants and a black crop top. I braided my hair and put back on my glasses. A knock happened at my door and it was my dad.

He was in his sweatpants and a shirt, he said "Hey Leah, would you be down to go with us to a medical convention in New York tomorrow?" "Do I have a choice?" "Not really, so get packing." I laughed and said "Yes sir." He laughed "So our flight is tomorrow at six at night so ya." "Okay bye." I slowly started to shut my door so I could start packing for a last minute trip. I was packing and I was listening to music. Suddenly my phone rang and I saw it was a text from Chris.

Chris-Hey what's up
Me- Nothing much, just packing
Chris- that's fun. Where you going?
Me- New York my dad has a business trip so I have to go
Chris- that's fun free trip to New York
Me- yeah accept for the part where I'm stuck in a hotel room watching movies in New York because he won't let me leave the hotel room on my own
Chris- oof that sucks what does he do
Me- he is a pediatrician
Chris- double oof
Me- you got that right bud

That whole night instead of packing I was to busy texting Chris till three am, finally I looked at the clock and said goodnight and I would text him in the morning. My dad is going to kill me because I was supposed to be done packing.

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