Ch.1 First Blood

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-Your pov

Finally I could go outside. Father never let me go outside with the others during the day. He says that more humans wander around the woods especially during the fall. I could get killed if they shoot me. It's because I'm not truly one of his kind. There is another part of me that is human. From my mother. She viewed me as a monster and left me in the woods for my father to find. I never met her and I don't want to meet her. The creepypastas are all that I need. Since it was night out I decided to go on a killing spree with some of my friends. A lot of adults and teens hang out in the woods during the summer. It was basically hunting season for us. We killed a group of people that were walking towards the mansion before wandering deeper into the forest. Dawn was coming in a couple hours and we wanted to get one more kill in before going back home. We were expecting more people in the woods tonight, but then again it's early summer. School isn't over yet in the city.

"Do you see anything Y/n?" Masky asked me as we wandered further into the dark forest. I shook my head while looking at the notes my father put on the trees. He put them up to try and keep people away, but also help me find my way back in case I get lost. He is a little overprotective, but every father is when it comes to their daughters. A few minutes went by before we saw a lantern in the distance. I could hear the teenage couple about to get it on and making me roll my eyes. They always go into the woods thinking that no on will see them. I didn't really mind though. I was just glad that we could get another kill tonight.

"How are we gonna do this?" I asked while trying to hold back my excitement. I've been wanting to kill but I never found victims until tonight. Hoodie and the others were quiet while thinking of a plan.

"Toby, Masky and I will approach them. We'll kill the guy first and then the girl. If the girl runs, go after her. You kill her when she loses sight of us. We don't want her to get back to the city." He said before we made our way towards the new victims. I listened carefully while Toby took out his axes. The couple must have heard the blades because they stopped taking their clothes off.

"Did you hear something?" The girl asked before the two of them stood up. I hid behind a tree and watched the teens as their faces changed from confusion to terror while Toby, Masky and Hoodie appeared in front of them.

"The hell are you-" The boy said clearly frustrated before his voice hitched as Masky took out a knife. Hoodie threw a punch at his face before Masky and Toby joined in slaughtering him. The girl started to make a run for it before Toby threw an axe hitting her arm. The girl screamed as she pulled it out and ran. Everything was going as planned. I followed the girl for about half a mile before she stopped to catch her breath. I knew that she couldn't see very well as she frantically looked around. She is accustomed to daylight. The light from the moon is not enough for her to see. Makes it easier to kill her. I started walking towards her as she called out for help. She saw my figure as I got closer.

"Please help me." She begged before I smiled showing my pointed teeth glistening in the moonlight.

"Of course." I said as my tentacle hair grabbed her. She started screaming before one tentacle went straight through her head. I looked at her corpse spilling out blood. It felt good to kill. I could hear Toby and the others laughing as we reunited. They obviously enjoyed their slaughter. We made it back to the mansion to find my father waiting for us. He told everyone to go to bed. Except me. I wasn't sure what it would be tonight. A lecture. A simple chat. Praise. Maybe all of the above.

"I see that you got several victims." He said before wiping the blood off a strand of my tentacle hair.

"We killed a group that was following your notes. The last kill was a couple of teens. Toby and the others killed the boy. The girl ran so I went after her." I said before he looked at me. He doesn't like it when I wander away from the group, but I enjoy having my own kill from time to time.

"You know how much I don't like it when you go alone." He replied before tossing the tissue into the trash.

"I know, but I couldn't let her get away. She saw too much. If other people find out then they will find us." I said as I went into the kitchen to make a f/s. Father was quiet for a bit.

"True very true Y/n.         You did well tonight." He said as I finished eating. I looked out the window and saw that there was a little bit of light from the approaching dawn. I started to go up the steps.

"Y/n there's something else that I need to talk to you about." Father added making me stop and walk back down the steps.

"There will be a new creepypasta moving in tomorrow night. I want you and the others to behave themselves when he arrives. He might need help moving in so I need everyone here." He explained. I wasn't sure what to think about someone moving in. That hasn't happened since Laughing Jack.

"No hunting tomorrow." He finished before letting me go to bed. I wasn't really happy about not being able to hunt tomorrow, but I'm sure everyone is. I was mostly nervous about the new person moving in. I have no idea what his name is or what he looks like. I'll figure it out when the new creepypasta moves in tomorrow. Hopefully it will go well.

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