Ch.4 Tomorrow

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- Your pov

It's been a couple days and nothing has changed. Candy Pop still has the same appearance along with his possessions. It's making me frustrated. I struggle to not stare at him. He knows I do but he doesn't mind. I think. I just don't understand it. I wake up every time thinking that he will look normal only to open my door to see the same trippy figure. He finds it amusing when I look at him with wide eyes every time I step out of my room. It was midnight when I decided to go hunting with Jeff. My hand was inches from the knob. 

"Y/n." Father said from his office. I knew I was in trouble of some kind. 

"You go ahead without me." I whispered to Jeff before walking into the office. 

"I have noticed the past few days that you have been starring at Candy Pop. He tells me time and time again that he doesn't mind,   but I do.  I've also noticed that you have been trying to avoid him. I don't want you to push him away. He is a new member of the household and deserves the same amount of attention you give to everyone else." He said as he made more notes. I nodded my head as I looked down. 

"Ok." I whispered. Father looked at me and used one of his tentacles to lift my chin up to face him. 

"I know it's difficult to get used to someone new.  I think it would help if the two of you hung out." He said before standing up and grabbing the notes. 

"Which is why I decided to have you go hunting together tomorrow night." He added before my eyes widened in shock. He can't be serious. 

"Does he even want to?" I asked hoping that Candy Pop wasn't interested.

"I already talked to him. He said that he would love to go on a killing spree with you. It'll be a good way for the two of you to get to know each other." He replied as my hopes faded away. I'm going hunting with him. I won't know what's real and what's not. I couldn't get myself to talk so I simply nodded my head before father let me leave. I lost interest in killing tonight and just sat on a couch. 

"Are you ok Y/n?" Laughing Jack asked me before I looked up at him. 

"Hey LJ.  Father is having me go hunting with Candy Pop tomorrow night. I don't know if I'll be able to focus on killing." I replied before Laughing Jack sat down next to me. 

"Why's that?" He asked before I looked at him. 

"Candy Pop's appearance is so trippy. It can't be real. I don't know if someone spiked the glass of f/b I had that night or what, but it hasn't worn off." I explained before Laughing Jack grabbed my hand. 

"On the night a creepypasta moves in? I know we mess around and have fun with occasional pranks for shits and giggles, but no one would do that to you on a night that important." Laughing Jack replied while I stared at the blank screen. 

"I feel like I'm losing my mind LJ. Whenever I look at Candy Pop his appearance doesn't change." I added before looking at the clock. It was about an hour and a half from daylight. 

"When he first moved in I thought I was just seeing things, but two days have passed and whenever I opened my door and look at him his appearance is still the same. At first I thought I was sick, but now I think I'm losing my mind." I finished before looking at Laughing Jack. 

"Y/n, I assure you, you're not going crazy. What you see is what he is." He replied leaving me more confused than before. More creepypastas were returning from kills forcing Laughing Jack and I to separate. It was a little early, but I was going to call it a night. I got up the steps and was about to turn the corner but bumped into something. I started to fall back before a hand grabbed my wrist and got me back on my feet. I looked at the figure before my eyes widened. It was Candy Pop. My mind froze. Every part of me felt hot and stiff. 

"Uh     I-I    Thanks." I managed to say before he smiled. 

"Of course.   Don't want you to get hurt before we go hunting tomorrow." He said before his smile grew. I studied him since I was closer to him than normal. I still felt small but that didn't affect me. I saw what looked like gray bells on his hair. He was wearing a jester suit. His body looked relatively buff and his muscles were well-defined. He had pointed ears and-

"You seem to get easily distracted." He said as he rested a finger on my chin and lifted my head to face him while he leaned down so that we were almost eye level. His face was pretty close to mine now. He smiled a little. 

"Are you ok?        You're blushing." He said in a low, husky tone. I wasn't sure if he was joking or sincerely asking a question. My knees felt a little weak but I managed to stay up and keep myself under control. 

"Y-ye   w-well I'm actually more con-fused real-ly." I said before criticizing myself for the stuttering. Candy Pop raised an eyebrow in amusement. 

"You look tired.      Perhaps we can continue this conversation tomorrow." He said before letting go of my chin and standing up straight. I watched him go down to steps before I went straight into my room. I was rather embarrassed because of my behavior and responses. I got ready for bed before letting my face fall straight into my pillow. I'm not really looking forward to hunting tomorrow. 

Candy Pop pov-

I found Y/n the most amusing. Her little reactions to seeing me were interesting. Especially the little encounter we just had. She didn't hear half of my words. She was busy spacing off and examining my appearance. But then again, she never stood that close to me. We never really talked. We didn't have much of a conversation tonight, but hopefully we will tomorrow. She is the most difficult creepypasta to read. The only thing I know about her is that Slenderman is her father. I hope I'll find out more about her when we go hunting. Her confusion intrigues me. What could she possibly be confused about?

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