Ch.10 Mother

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-Your pov

All traces of sunlight disappeared from the sky. Candy Pop was asleep so I decided to not disturb him. I was a little disappointed when no one was interested in hunting so I reluctantly wandered back towards my room.

"Y/n." My father said as he closed his office door. I noticed the notes in his hand and knew that he was going outside.

"It's been a while since we went on a hunt together. Perhaps you would like to hunt with me as I put these notes up?" He asked before I smiled. It has indeed been a while. I nodded my head before rushing down the steps. I could tell that he was pleased with my response. I eagerly followed him out the door and into the forest.

"Stay close ok?" He said before I nodded my head. Father split the stack of papers in half and gave me some. I couldn't help but think about those "Bring your daughter to work days" that people do in the city.

"Someday I will pass the authority I have over this forest to you. One of your duties will be to put up notes to help the other creepypastas find their way home. That and kill those who tear them down and try to find where we live." He said before signaling for me to hang one up. I looked back at him before father nodded his head in approval.

"Someday It will be my job to protect our world?" I asked before he nodded his head again. Honestly, I hope that it won't be for another few decades.

"What about you?" I asked before father chuckled a little.

"Still not tired of your father?" He said while nudging me slightly. I laughed a little before nudging him back.

"I'll never be." I replied while smiling. My smile faded from the sound of people wandering in the distance. My hair started going crazy as I tried to control my excitement. I followed their voices with father close behind me. I could feel frustration radiating off of father when we heard the sound of paper. Whoever was wandering around the forest was taking down his notes. It looked like there was about seven of them. Shouldn't be hard for father to take them out. It was difficult to make out what they were saying, but I could tell that there were some that were scared and others that were rather arrogant. They're obviously trying to impress someone. I stayed behind father as we carefully approached them. It was difficult to keep my excitement under control. Out of all the creepypastas, father was the best at striking fear in victims before killing them. He waited for the group to get more spaced out before silently taking them out one by one. My eyes wandered off from father killing a victim and noticed one of them running away. I ran after him without a second thought. I could hear him trying to call someone on his phone. I guess he realized that signal doesn't exist out here after a couple attempts because he turned the flashlight on. I managed to catch up to him before breaking his neck just before father reached me. The light from the boy's phone revealed a little color hiding in the dark. The leaves on the lower branches were as gold as Jason's eyes. Some were falling to the ground with red ones. My mind tried to picture what it would look like during the day, but it only left my eyes and soul wanting more. I could wait until I have authority over the woods, but that could be a while. Plus, I just don't feel ready for such a responsibility.

"What are you going to do when you pass your authority to me?" I asked as we studied the body.

"I will do what I've always done. Hunt for victims and guide and protect my daughter. The difference will be your independence. Ask and I will answer. You will be able to do things on your own more. You won't have to ask for my permission or approval. Except on one thing." He replied. There's no need for me to ask what. I already know.

"Guys." I stated before he nodded his head.

"I know you have good judgment, but they must prove themselves to me that they are worthy of you." He said before we started walking home. Father continued to talk while my mind drifted away to something I never thought of in a very long time.

"Believe it or not I was young once. I know what many men think when it comes to girls. They-" Father said before I interrupted.

"Father, what was my mother like? Did you love her?" I asked before father froze. Clearly shocked since I never really asked about her beyond why I never saw her. He rarely mentioned her. She was a fading memory in his mind. I don't think he remembers her name anymore.

"She        was beautiful. She had a good heart. When I saved her life from that huntsman, I never expected her to fall for me. But she did, and as time went by, I fell for her." He said while looking at something that wasn't there. I guess it's been a while since he thought of her the way he once did.

"I forgot the feeling of being alone when she was by my side. I could feel all my troubles disappear whenever I saw her." He added.

"What was your reaction when she told you that she was pregnant with me?" I asked while father opened the gate to the mansion. Father didn't move for a while. If he had eyes, they would be threatening to release tears.

"She never told me." He said quietly.

"There was a time when she stopped walking through the forest to see me. A time when I couldn't find her, but I could sense her heart turning cold.      Eventually I moved on and continued growing our world." Father added.

"I found you in a basket with a note from her. Her words were as cold as her heart. I didn't know what to do at first, but when I saw the face of my daughter, I knew that it was going to be ok." He said before we approached the door. He stopped and looked down at me.

"I may not have your mother, but I have you Y/n. You are the light my world revolves around. I would die for your happiness and protection." He finished. I felt tears start to form from his words. I immediately wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I love you father." I said before he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too Y/n."

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