Ch.12 Sacrifices

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-Candy Pop pov

It echoed throughout the forest. Y/n's voice followed by a gunshot. Every part of me froze. I could barely think as fear hit me. I managed to brush it off before running towards the source of the chaos. The hunter was torn apart and there was a trail of Y/n's blood. Slenderman must have been here first and ripped the hunter's corpse apart for hurting her. I didn't waste any more time and followed the trail. She must be hurt pretty bad. Her footprints were uneven as if she was struggling to move. Desperately trying to run. She knows that he is wandering through these woods after her. I won't let him succeed. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Y/n returns safely.

"Y/n-" My mind went blank as I continued to run. There was an odd feeling. As if I was approaching the end.
If it is           then so be it.

-Your pov

My leg hurt too much to keep running and I'm beyond lost. The only thing I could do was hide and wait for him to give up. The light was slowly increasing by the cave entrance.  I frantically ripped another strip off from my dress and wrapped it around my leg. I finished just before the light escaped the shadows. My eyes hurt when they stayed open. I quickly closed them to avoid the pain and possible blindness. I'm trapped in here as long as the light is still out. I wanted to run out and try to find my way back home, but I was too scared to look outside. I wanted to, but it was so painful. The clouds are gone and the sun is making its way west. In a few hours, the light will destroy the darkness of the small cave. It will reflect off the stone walls and blind me. If I lose my sight then I'll never find my way home. I started shaking from his voice whispering sinisterly echoing through the trees outside the only shelter I had. My heart went into overdrive from him calling my name. He is close. He'll have me cornered if I don't get out soon. I opened my eyes a little to see the light fading away on the stone. Clouds were covering the sun. It might be the only chance I have to escape. I opened my eyes completely and ran as fast as my leg would let me back into the forest. His voice followed me. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me while frantically looking for one of father's notes. My thoughts disappeared when my foot hit a rock making me fall. I was so busy looking at the trees that I forgot about the ground. I screamed from the wound and curled up while holding my leg trying to get past the pain. I looked up at the sky to see the clouds moving. Time was running out. I got up and was going to run, but I felt an arm restraining me. I thrashed and kicked trying to ignore the pain in my leg.

"Let me go Zal'gatoth!" I screamed before the sun escaped the cover of the clouds. I closed my eyes as tight as I could get them.

"What's wrong Y/n?  Are you afraid of the light?" He said mocking me. I could feel his other hand on my face. He rested his fingers on one of my eyes and tried to open it. I fought back as hard as I could, but I knew that I won't escape. I won't get to safely. I felt tears fall down my face.

"I've spent years looking for you. And now I have you in my grasp." He said before he stopped trying to pry my eye open.

"I was going to kill you, but I think I'm having second thoughts. Your father will prefer burning in hell when I'm done with you." He whispered before chuckling. I felt my heart skip several beats before I tried desperately to escape his grip. I tried to use my hair to pull his arms off of me. I tried everything I could think of. The only thing it did to him was make him laugh. But then his laughter turned to a shout of pain and anger. Something must have hit him because he let go of me. Someone else wrapped their arms around me. The familiar sent let me know that it was Masky. He held me close and covered my eyes making the dark consume me. I could hear fighting. Shouts of anger and pain. It was father fighting Zal'gatoth.

"Masky, get her out of here!" Father shouted before I felt Masky guide me through the trees. I could hear other creepypastas run past me to help father. I wanted to turn around and help, but that would only make the situation worse.

"Careful. There's steps." He said before we walked up the steps. Masky uncovered my eyes when we walked through the doors. He lead me to the couch before grabbing a gun and extra bullets.

"Hoodie, Jack, Jeff! Grab a weapon and help me guard the mansion! Toby, you stay with Y/n and try to patch her leg up! She'll need it if things go to hell!" He yelled before they ran outside. Toby rushed over to tend to my leg before he took out both axes and stood between me and the door.

"I-if Zal'gat-toth comes, grab your sungl-glasses and run. D-don't look back. We'll be fine." Toby said. I knew he was lying. He knew that they don't stand much of a chance. I stayed quiet. I felt like my heart was going to burst through my chest. I could hear Hoodie yelling at Toby saying that the other creepypastas came back. Zal'atoth must have been overrun and fled. I anxiously watched as creepypastas entered the mansion. LJ came in first. Jason limped through the door with Jack's help. Their face expressions were concerning me. Jeff held the door open while LJ ran further into the mansion yelling at Dr. Smiley to get his ass in the room with his supplies. I looked around the room. Everyone was here. Except father and Candy Pop. I immediately limped up to Jeff.

"What happened? Is Candy Pop ok?" I asked desperately waiting for an answer. Jeff's mouth was moving, but he couldn't form words.

"W-we weren't there fighting. We guarded the door to make sure Zal'gatoth doesn't get to you. We saw Laughing Jack and Jason first. LJ has a couple bruises. Jason's leg got fucked up, but he'll be fine once he calms down." He said before LJ and Dr. Smiley ran into the room.

"Candy Pop has a couple cuts and bruises but he's fine-" Jeff replied before LJ ran past us back into the woods. Jeff shifted side to side a little.

"Y/n, Jason said that Zal'gatoth almost killed Candy Pop, but-" Jeff said before LJ started yelling at everyone to get out of the way. My heart stopped.

"Father!" I yelled before running after them. He was barely awake.

"What happened? Is he going to be ok?" I shouted over the noise. I grabbed father's hand and held onto it tightly.

"He's hurt pretty bad. You don't walk away from a fight against Zal'gatoth unscathed." Laughing Jack said as they set him down on an operation table.

"Everyone needs to get out. I need my space and focus." Dr. Smiley said before we walked out of the room.

"Y/n, your father wants to talk to you before I start. Candy Pop, he wants to talk to you as well." He finished. I walked back into the room and tried to hold back tears.

"Father?" I whispered before he grabbed my hand.

"Did Zal'gatoth hurt you?" He asked faintly. I shook my head. His grip relaxed a little.

"I don't have much time before Dr. Smiley attempts to save my dammed life. The mansion. The forest. Everything I have will be yours when I pass." He whispered before I frantically shook my head. We both knew that he will most likely die. I didn't want to believe it. It didn't feel real.

"Don't say that father. You're not going to die. Y-you can't." I said through my shaking breaths.

"It's for fate to decide." Father replied before letting go of my hand. Dr. Smiley signaled for me to leave and Candy Pop to come in.

-Candy pop pov

It hurt to see tears threatening to fall down Y/n's face as she passed me. I walked into the room and stood by Slenderman. He slowly turned his face towards me.

"You should have let Zal'gatoth kill me." I said before he looked out the door to where Y/n was sitting.

"Y/n is the light my world revolves around. She is the only thing in this world that I did right. I would die for her happiness and protection." He said faintly as Dr. Smiley continued to prepare for the task at hand.

"I saved you for Y/n. You have shown her a new world. A new life. My daughter is happy when you are by her side." He added before Dr. Smiley asked me to leave the room. I sighed and turned to the doorway. I froze when I felt Slenderman grab my wrist. I looked back at him. For a moment I thought I saw tears as he took a shaky breath.

"Take care of my daughter."

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