Ch.2 Diffrent

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- Your pov

The light outside was fading into shadow when I woke up. I put on a black dress before stepping out of my room to see everything dusted and swept. The other creepypastas were getting the new room cleaned up for the new member of the household. I joined in the effort to make it presentable before we started getting ourselves ready. I decided to change Out of the now dirty dress and into a long elegant black dress before putting on a matching necklace.

"You look nice." A voice said before Jeff walked into my room. I smiled a little.

"It's nothing fancy." I replied as I looked at him. I noticed the tear on his hoodie.

"When did that happen?" I asked as I pointed at the obvious rip. Jeff looked at it before he got nervous for some reason.

"I might have gone out and killed someone a couple hours ago. She had a knife and made a sad attempt to defend herself." He mumbled before I grabbed a needle and thread.

"My father told us no hunting today." I said while sewing the tear shut.

"I know.      I just couldn't help it." Jeff wined after I finished.

"I'm really jealous. I've been wanting to go outside and go hunting too. No one saw you sneak out right?" I said as we walked out of my room.

"No one. Not even Slenderman," Jeff replied. I looked out the window at the now dark forest. I normally sleep during the day, but there are some occasions when I want to look through the black curtains outside. The problem is that it's too bright for me. I can't keep my eyes open long enough to see what it's like out there during the day.

"Was it nice outside?" I asked while still in a trance. My hair slowly moving along my shoulders and back. Jeff shrugged his shoulders as we made our way down the steps into the living room.

"It wasn't too bad out. Warm but not hot out. It cooled of a little when dusk came." Jeff replied before Ben and Silver came crawling out of the T.V. The other creepypastas came down the steps and we all sat down on the couches waiting.

"Where's Slenerman?" Ben asked before Hoodie turned on the T.V.

"He is in the northern part of the woods waiting for the new creepypasta." Masky replied before it grew quiet as we watched psycho. My phone started vibrating and I went into the kitchen to answer it.

"Hello?" I said waiting for a reply.

"Hey y/n it's Jane." She answered making me smile. She and I have been friends for the longest time. We were practically sisters.

"Oh hey Jane.   What's up?" I chirped while getting a glass of water.

"Nothing much. I heard that there's a new creepypasta moving in over there.  Have you seen him yet?" She asked as I took a sip.

"No.  We're all waiting for my father to come back with him." I replied before looking out the window. There was still no sign of him.

"Well I just finished a kill in the woods. I was on my way back home and I saw the new creepypasta with Slenderman. I think they are just talking right now." She explained. I grew curious about the creepypasta's appearance.

"What does he look like?" I asked before it grew quiet. I was about to ask if she was still there before she finally spoke.

"Different." Was all that she said. Different could mean anything. It wasn't really much to go on.

"What do you mean   different?" I asked a little nervously. The Rake is different. Seed eater is different. I couldn't help but wonder if it was something that was like them.

"You'll see when he gets there." Jane replied. I remembered father telling us that he might need help moving all of his things in.

"Did he carry anything with him?" I asked.

"A few bags and a big ass hammer.   At least I think it's a hammer." She replied. I smiled a little at her reply. The hammer is probably his kill weapon.

"Oh, I wanted to ask you if I could come over sometime." Jane said making me smile more. It's been a while since I last saw her. Sure calls are nice, but actually hanging out is better.

"Of course you can!" I chirped with excitement. I hoped that she would come over soon. I then heard the T.V turn off and Hoodie calling me. I looked out the window to see father walking up to the door.

"I have to go.   Father is at the door with the creepypasta." I said while looking towards the living room to see everyone getting up.

"Ok.   Talk to you later. Love ya." Jane said. I smiled.

"Love you too." I replied before ending the call. I set my phone down went straight into the living room as father walked through the door.

"Is everyone down here?" He said as he looked at each one of us counting in his head.

"Good.      Children, this is Candy Pop." He said as the new creepypasta walked in. My eyes widened at the sight of him. I now know what Jane meant by different.

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