Ch.9 Desire

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-Your pov

"Jane?" I said as she stared at my dress. She obviously is surprised from the f/c designs I added to it.

"Y/n, I never thought that you'd want to add f/c to your dresses, or have colored anything for that matter." She explained before adding that it looks nice. I smiled while thinking about Candy Pop. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be in the dark unaware of colors.

"My world changed the moment I met Candy Pop." I said before Jane's expression changed.

"You like him.  Don't deny it." She said. I was shocked by her reply.

"What do you mean?" I asked while I felt my face heat up a little. She had a slight smirk on her face.

"You keep talking about him whenever we talk. I can see you blushing even on this tiny screen. He showed you colors and it changed you I think for the better." She explained before I shrugged.

"I love it and I want to see more. Father doesn't want me to go outside during the day, but for the first time, I want to go against his requests and demands." I admitted. I know that it's not a good idea, but the temptation is strong and continues to grow.

"Be careful Y/n. Slenderman gets extremely protective. After all, you are his only child. Just be careful how you do it." She said after biting her lip. We looked at the time and saw how early it was. The sun will start to rise soon.

"I have to go. Winter is coming in a couple months, so I'll be there before then." Jane said while wiping the blood off her knife.

"Ok. I'll see you soon." I said before ending the FaceTime. I got off the couch and heard the door open. I looked over to see Candy Pop. I felt my face heat up again as he wandered into the kitchen. LJ walked in shortly after as leaves followed him in. It then occurred to me that it was fall. It made me curious. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Candy Pop?" I said a little more shy than what I wanted. He turned and looked at me. It took a lot to keep myself from blushing.

"What is Autumn like?" I asked before he looked out the window and then back at me. He smiled a little.

"I think you would love it out there. The trees have changed and leaves have started falling. Not quite as vibrant as spring and summer, but still beautiful." He replied. His description was faint, but enough to drive my imagination and desire crazy. It almost made me regret asking.

"I wish I could see it. Seeing colors is the best thing that has happened to me." I replied before preparing myself for what I was about to say.

"That and meeting you." I confessed. Jane is right. I do like him. More than what I thought I did. Candy Pop looked surprised as well as hesitant to speak.

"I     don't know how your father would react if he were to ever hear me say this to you Y/n,            but      meeting you was the best part of moving here. Every moment that I see you, from the second I first stepped through those doors to now, I cherish." He said before looking around, obviously making sure that my father wasn't present.

-Candy Pop pov

"You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you." I whispered. She was silent for a while. She probably wasn't expecting me to say that. I could tell that she was struggling to keep herself together. She held my hands and got on her toes. She still wasn't high enough.

"Kiss me." She whispered back. I was quiet as I looked down at her. My hands left and, without a second thought, I picked her up with little effort and set her down on the counter. I looked her in the eyes before gently pressing my lips against her. She couldn't keep her eyes open for very long. They fluttered shut as she kissed me back. I felt myself grow more passionate. She was about to part away, but I kept my lips on hers. I didn't want it to end and, to be honest, I don't think she wanted it to either. She ran her fingers through my hair making goosebumps form on my skin. She gripped a lock of my hair careful not to pull on it. I could tell that she wanted more. I could feel the corners of my lips curl into a slight smirk before I parted my lips from hers. We did a quiet gasp for air before I smiled at her. It grew more before I kissed her forehead.

"I love you Y/n. I really do." I said before stepping back giving her space to get off the countertop.

"I love you too Candy Pop." She replied while her face became dusted with a faint blush. She loves me. It felt too good to be true. If this is a dream then I don't want to wake up. If I'm awake I hope her father doesn't catch us. We looked out the window to see a faint light coming through the curtains. She sighed before looking back at me. I kissed her forehead before she reluctantly walked towards the steps. Y/n looked back down at me when she reached the top and smiled before going into her room. I couldn't help but smile back for a moment. It quickly faded when I saw Slenderman leaning against the doorframe to his office. I don't know how much he saw or heard, but I didn't want to ask. We stared at each other silently for a moment before he sighed and went to his room. If he wasn't suspicious then, he definitely is now.

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