Ch.8 New Reality

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-Your pov

I knew father would be upset if he catches me wandering around the mansion during daytime hours again. I didn't care. This is an opportunity that I don't want to miss. I eagerly watched the clock before it finally became noon. I rushed out of my room and quietly went down the steps and across the living room. I don't want father catching me and leading me back to my room again. He'll expect me to fall back asleep,  but it's hard to do when you're not even tired. I smiled at the sight of Candy Pop waiting by the door. He smiled back at me.

"You ready?" He asked before I eagerly nodded my head. He peaked outside to make sure that it was still cloudy out before opening the door completely. I was speechless. Words couldn't form in my mind. I immediately ran outside and looked around. I haven't stepped past the gates and yet I'm beyond amazed.

"You're not in Kansas anymore." Candy Pop said while laughing slightly. I couldn't help but smile at him. The colors of his hair and clothes were much more vibrant. He seemed a little surprised when I grabbed his hand and ran past the gates. He was taller than me and yet he struggled to keep up. I stopped and looked at the variety of flowers growing. The f/c ones I liked the most. I immediately started picking some for my room. I had both of my hands full before I realized that I didn't have anything to put them in till we return to the mansion. I shrugged my shoulders before I used a strand of my hair to hold them. 

"Next time we go out we'll bring a basket." Candy Pop said before we walked around the forest. We talked a lot but I struggled to look at him. He's so tall and it started to hurt my neck so I just looked around the woods studying every color while talking to him. There was a rock ahead. Candy Pop walked around it. I smirked a little before running. My feet reached the top of the rock before I jumped as high as I could towards him. I wrapped my legs around him and held onto his shoulders. He took a quick step to regain his balance before stopping. He turned his head to face me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I smiled a little.

"I'm tired of looking up to talk to you." I replied. His lips didn't move. The smile on my face started to fade.

"If you want me to get off I can." I said before I loosened my grip on him.

"No it's fine. I-it's great.          I just wasn't expecting it." He replied before wrapping his arms around my legs to keep me from sliding down making me smile a little. Yet I was confused. I don't understand this feeling. It's just around him. I sighed in content while resting my head on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at me. I smiled more.

"What are you thinking?" He asked while smiling. I found myself staring into his eyes.

"It's crazy that this has been here all along and I didn't know.       It makes me want to never sleep during the day ever again." I replied before I reached out to a branch pulling off several flowers. I put one on my ear before putting the rest in his hair. We heard something move behind us so Candy Pop stopped and turned around. I was silent as the figure stepped out of the bushes. It was a deer. I slid off of Candy Pop's back and slowly walked towards her. She seemed unaware of our presence for a while as she ate a few blades of grass. Suddenly she stopped and looked at me. I froze in my steps as we stared at each other. It was a strange feeling. Prey that's not afraid of a killer. She lifted a leg as if she was going to approach me, but she instead ran further into the woods. I was a little bit disappointed that I couldn't get closer. My thoughts disappeared when I noticed the forest getting slightly brighter.

"You'll need these." Candy Pop said while giving me a pair of sunglasses. I put them on and was fascinated. The colors changed because of the lenses.

"We better get home before Slenderman notices your absence." He added as we started following the notes back to the mansion. 

"It feels too soon." I replied slightly disappointed. I walked as slow as possible to make today last a little longer. Candy Pop opened the gate and we approached the door. I looked back at the colors in the woods before we stepped into the mansion. We froze.                 Father was waiting for us. 

"Y/n, if you want to go hunting tonight, you need to go to bed. You shouldn't be up during daytime hours." He said before holding his hand out towards the steps. His voice was calm, but I knew that he was trying to control his anger. I sighed and walked up the steps dropping the flowers before going into my room.

-Candy Pop pov

"Candy Pop, I would like to have a word with you in my office." He stated before walking towards a closed door. He shut it as soon as we were inside. I grew nervous when he signaled for me to sit down. I slowly sat in the chair while he stood behind his desk. 

"I believe you know why I asked you to come here." He said while stacking pieces of paper. He paused and looked at me. 

"I brought Y/n outside during the day without telling you." I responded. Slenderman nodded his head before he started pacing. 

"The without telling me part doesn't concern me as much as her being out in the daylight.        I have what others want. Y/n is in danger because of it. Why do you think I let her hunt only at night?" Slenderman said. I felt awkward being the only one sitting in a chair. His pacing grew faster as he waited for a reply.

"She's not so easy to find in the dark." I said before he stopped and leaned over his desk.

"I leave notes in the forest so that she won't get lost. Those who tear them down put her in danger." He added. Makes sense. Most of his victims were people either wandering too close to the mansion or taking notes from trees. I relaxed a little when he finally sat down. he adjusted his jacket.

"Autumn is approaching. It's the time when I say absolutely no hunting during the day." He said before going quiet. Probably waiting for me to say something.

"More victims carry guns." I whispered before he nodded his head. A lot of it was starting to make sense.

"I can handle bullets as well as a few other creepypastas. Jason to a certain degree.    Then there's the others who don't stand much of a chance. Y/n is among them.       For her safety,     don't encourage her to go out on her own. Don't let her wander during the day." He finished before we both stood up. He grabbed the notes on his desk before we left his office. I watched him walk out the door to hang them up before going up the steps to Y/n's room. I opened the door only to see her fast asleep.  So I set the flowers she picked in a vase on her dresser before reluctantly walking out. I knew that she's upset. Seeing colors for the first time and then told that she can't go out to see them again.  It's like giving someone a special gift only to snatch it from their hands. Y/n will grow more desperate to see the colors outside.                It's only a matter of time.

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