Ch.13 Soul

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-Candy Pop

Everyone was gathered around Y/n in the living room while Dr. Smiley worked quietly in Slenderman's room. No one said a word to each other. There was nothing to say that would take away her pain. Simply being there was all they had for her. For all of us. Laughing Jack looked up at me followed by several others as I approached them. They all stood and walked past me to the other side of the living room.

"She needs you more than ever Candy." Laughing Jack whispered as he rested a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head before he joined the other creepypastas. I walked over to Y/n and sat beside her.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her close, but I was unsure if that would be the best move right now. I gently held her hand to at least let her know that I'm here.

"It's my fault that he's facing death.  It's all my fault." She said as tears flowed from her eyes.

"No Y/n. It was Zal'gatoth's and his only.  Don't tear yourself down. Stay strong and have hope." I whispered before her eyes shut tightly. Her jaw tightened along with her grip on my hand.

"I don't want to lose him." She said between breaths as she started shaking. I could tell that she was trying to fight back her cries. It hurt to see her in such pain. That Slenderman's life lies on the edge of a blade.

"I know Y/n. None of us are ready." I replied. I, like everyone else, grew unsure about the future. Part of me felt that as long as I have Y/n then I'll be fine, but at the same time I won't be. I sighed and looked at Y/n's tear-stained face.

"I'm here for you Y/n. I always will be." I finished before her breath hitched. She can't hold it together anymore, and that's ok.

"I love you Candy Pop." She cried as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I love you Y/n." I replied as I wrapped my arms around her. I held onto her and let her cry and as time went by, everyone was starting to fall asleep. Even myself. I looked down at Y/n's sleeping form before my eyes started growing heavy.

-Your pov

As much as I wanted to fall asleep and drift away from the horrible reality, I couldn't. I kept my eyes shut and tried to think of something that would make me feel better about this hell, but the only option that came to mind was father alive and well. I opened my eyes slightly to see Candy Pop along with the other creepypastas fast asleep while Dr. Smiley continued to operate. I carefully slipped out of his arms and got off the couch. I knew who could save father, and it scared me. I quietly stepped up to the front door and looked back at Candy Pop one more time before going outside. The sun was setting and its dimmed light shined on the cloudy sky turning the clouds various shades of red and orange. I couldn't decide if the sky was on fire or a pool of blood. I admired it for a moment before running into the woods. I didn't stop until I came across a ruined shack with brick walls. It'll have to do. I worked as fast as I could before staring at the gate. I've heard stories and have a general idea of where he lives and how to get there, but I don't know what to expect on the other side. I took a deep breath and stepped through. The eyeless creatures wandered aimlessly around the land and the glass castle was just ahead. I tried to ignore the creature's eyeless gazes as I made it to the doors.

"Zal'gatoth?" I called as I stepped inside. My voice was the only thing that replied back.

"Zal'gatoth I know you're here!" I shouted before a tall figure appeared before me. I wanted to run, but I kept my feet where they were.

"Hello Y/n. Nice to see you again. What brings you to my realm?" Zal'gatoth said as he smiled down at me.

"I want to make a deal with you." I replied before he scoffed trying to control himself.

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