Ch.11 Two Words

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-Your pov

The screams of our victims were cut short as the light disappeared from their eyes and their bodies fell to the ground. I looked at Candy Pop and smiled. He smiled back before bending down and kissing me. I really hope father approves of him. I don't see myself being with anyone else. We looked over to see that dawn was approaching. I sighed in disappointment as we made our way back to the mansion. I'm getting tired of not being able to see colors. I honestly can't stand it much longer.

"Y/n, you ok?" Candy Pop asked. I realized that I stopped walking. I nodded my head before we walked in. I wasn't even close to being tired. Ever since the hunt with father, I felt very restless. The little bit of color I saw that night wasn't enough. It was driving me crazy. I kissed Candy Pop one more time before going to my room to sleep or at least try to.

-Candy Pop pov

I sighed as I looked up the stairs. I could tell that she wasn't ok. She misses seeing colors. I want to make her feel better, but I honestly don't know what to do.

"Hey Candy Pop, you ok?" LJ asked.

"I'll be alright." I replied blankly before moving on with my day. Not like there was much to do. It was still hunting season so Slenderman doesn't let us hunt during the day. I could tell that everyone was getting bored really fast. Hunting was pretty much everyone's hobby. I looked around as the other creepypastas watched a movie before getting off the couch and wandering aimlessly through the halls. It was around noon when I noticed Laughing Jack walking around the mansion with a slightly concerned expression. He was slightly intimidating when he walked towards me.

"You haven't seen Y/n by chance have you?" He asked before I shook my head.

"Shit." He whispered before he started walking away.

"What's wrong?" I asked while going after him.

"She's not in her room. I've looked everywhere on that floor and haven't found her. I've checked the kitchen, the dining, and living room. No sign of her. Slenderman is looking for her and hasn't had much luck either. The last thing he wants is Y/n missing. It's the last thing we all want." He said before running up the steps to the third floor. I walked over to her room and saw what looked like her sleeping figure. I sighed in relief and left her room to tell LJ and Slenderman that she's ok. I was halfway down the hall before suspicion hit me. I made my way back into her room. She didn't move a muscle. I walked up to her and adjusted the sheets only to see pillows. She must have snuck out through her window. I looked at her nightstand. She forgot her sunglasses.

"I was hoping that she was with you." A disappointed voice said before I turned around. Slenderman walked up to me. I could feel the anxious atmosphere around him.

"Everyone says that she might have snuck out." He added with a pretty tense tone.

"They're right." I said before revealing the pillows. I moved her curtain to see the cloudy sky before we went down the steps to the living room. The air around him was rather intimidating as he started pacing obviously wondering is she's ok.

"The light isn't too strong. The clouds-" I said before Slenderman interrupted.

"It won't be cloudy for much longer! Her eyes can't handle the daylight! If she stays out there for too long Y/n will go blind!" Slenderman shouted clearly beyond worried. He was right. I was scared and full of regret. I should have gone after her when Laughing Jack said that she was missing. She fell in love with colors so much that it pushed her over the edge making her want to see more. I took a deep breath before running out the door with Slenderman close behind. We split up to cover more ground hoping that we'll find her before it's too late. We knew that Y/n was unaware of the danger far worse than hunters. We knew that we weren't the only ones looking for her.

-Your pov

I studied every detail on the trees. The shadows brought different shades of color. It was fascinating. The leaves fell gently like snow covering the grass. It's just as beautiful as spring. I wandered further and further into the woods grabbing armfuls of fallen leaves and throwing them into the air over and over. I wanted more. I bent down to grab another armful of leaves, but then I froze from the sound of leaves and twigs breaking. I turned around and saw her. The doe I met several months ago in spring. She must have recognized me because she started slowly walking towards me. Perhaps I'll get closer to her this time. I started approaching her before she stopped and started backing up.

"I'm sorry. Sorry. I don't want to scare you. I won't hurt you. Promise." I whispered while I stopped moving towards her. The doe flicked her ear before hesitantly taking a step closer. Then another. I raised my hand up to see if she would let me pet her. She froze and stared at it.

"It's your choice." I whispered. She was still for awhile longer before coming closer. I immediately smiled when I felt her head rest on my hand. I started petting her face. It was a great feeling finally earning her trust. She was about to get closer, but     she suddenly fell to the ground while a loud sound echoed through the whole forest. A hunter. My heart froze at the sight of her dying in front me. I couldn't hold back my cries and my anger.

"Please hold on." I begged while gently petting her. I stopped from the sound of the hunter walking towards us. He hasn't seen me. I quickly hid before the hunter came to view.

"Shit,  she's still alive." He said before pointing his gun at her head.

"No!" I screamed as I made the gun aim straight at the canopy before it fired. The hunter was confused and scared of my presence. He aimed his gun at me just before I used my hair to rip it out of his hands. I pushed him back and on the ground before lunging towards him since he's now defenseless. At least that's what I thought. He frantically pulled out his hunting knife and aimed. I screamed in pain from the blade piercing completely through my leg. He smirked slightly as if he won. It only pissed me off more. I gritted my teeth as I grabbed his wrist and ripped the dagger out of his hand. I pushed him down before trying to stab his gut. I only stabbed his hand while he tried to block. It took all of my strength to finally get the blade to pierce him. His shouting stopped as death started taking hold of him. There was a disturbing look of fear on his face. The hunter wasn't looking at me. He wasn't looking at the treetops. Something behind me. He took a shallow breath and whispered his last words. Two words that I never wanted to hear. Two words that will send me to an early grave.

       Two words that will send me to an early grave

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