Ch.3 Tripping?

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-Your pov

I didn't know what I was looking at. I couldn't process it. I simply stood there with my eyes wide open in shock and confusion. Everyone else looked at him as if it was normal. I started to wonder if I was just seeing things. Tripping out or something.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Father asked me. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him.

"Hmm?   Oh   I'm fine." I replied before father sighed.

"Candy Pop, this is my daughter Y/n." He said before Candy Pop looked at me and smiled. Father continued introducing the rest of us to him while I went back into my trance. Is he sick? Am I sick? Is something in my eye? Was there something in my glass? Something must be in the water. Surely that's the answer. Unless Hoodie or another creepypasta spiked it. We always mess with each other and have a good time, but I never thought it would affect me this way.

"Y/n, could you help Laughing Jack with the hammer? The others are going to take his bags upstairs." Father said as Toby stepped outside to get a bag. Father lead Candy Pop further into the mansion showing him each room. Perhaps I'm just seeing things on Candy Pop. His weapon and bags are probably normal. They should be. I watched father lead Candy Pop from the kitchen and up the steps before I made my way to the door. I followed Laughing Jack outside to see the trippiest pile of luggage I've ever seen. I couldn't comprehend it. Everyone else acted like this is normal. I couldn't understand how everyone else is ok with this. But maybe it's just me seeing things. I took a deep breath and helped Laughing Jack with the jester hammer. It wasn't heavy, it was just long and difficult to maneuver. The doors and steps were the worst. We set it down in a corner before it occurred to me that Candy Pop's room is right across from mine. I am going to be waking up every day and wonder if my sight is messing with me. I continued to stare at the hammer.  It was weird     but at the same time pretty. Whatever I had that is making me see this is definitely not wearing off anytime soon.

"You like it?" A voice asked making me jump a little from the unexpected presence. I looked to see Candy Pop leaning against the doorframe. I never heard him speak until now. It was deep, but it also sounded chipper. As if there were two separate voices. I struggled to find words for a moment. I simply nodded my head before turning back to the weapon.

"I've never seen a creepypasta carry this kind of weapon." I stated before I heard him walking towards me. I heart was beating against my chest as he got closer. I tried to keep myself from shaking as his tall figure towered over me. He wasn't as tall as father, but tall enough to make me feel like a hobbit. He smiled down at me as I stared up at him. There was something about his eyes. They were alluring but also terrifying. Like a serpent. I tried to look away, but I couldn't take my eyes off of them. He smiled a little when he noticed me looking straight into his eyes.

"You seemed a little shocked when I first walked in." He said making me step out of my trance. I managed to look away from him and out the window for a while. I could feel my heartbeat slow down a little.

"Oh. I was just nervous. It's been a while since a creepypasta moved in." I replied as my eyes returned to his like magnets. I wasn't exactly being completely honest with my reply, but I was pretty sure that the odd vision I was experiencing would go away by tomorrow. So I felt that it wasn't a critical topic to talk about. He sighed with a smug smirk on his face before looking at a clock.

"I suppose you need to call it a night and get some rest. Slenerman told me that you tend to sleep during the day." He said before I nodded my head. I looked at the curtain and saw faint light trying to break through.

"It was nice talking to you Y/n." He finished as he started unpacking his things. All of them were just as trippy. I felt weird with the awkward silence in the room so I decided to leave him alone. I walked straight into my room and shut my door. He seemed nice, but I wasn't really listening to his words. I was too busy looking at his odd appearance and possessions. I'm pretty sure one of the creepypastas decided to pull a prank on me again and spiked the water. They must have unknowingly put a lot in this time. I let out a sigh as I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. I got in bed and focused on falling asleep. Tonight was probably the weirdest night I've had in years. I really hope that my sight will be back to normal tomorrow. Hopefully without a hangover.

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