Ch.6 Curiosity

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-Your pov

I have been staring at the curtains for hours. For the first time, I slept during the night. I wanted to see the sunrise. But I was scared. My eyes are accustomed to the dark. The light might be too much. I could go blind if it's too bright. Then again, it's still early. The sun won't come over the horizon for a few more minutes. I slowly moved the curtain to the side revealing the colors in the sky. I have never seen something so different, yet beautiful. I wanted to know their names before they disappear and I'll be forced to let darkness consume me again. I ran out of my room and into Ben's room. 

"Ben. Ben wake up!" I shouted making him jump awake. 

"What is it Y/n?" He asked clearly irritated. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his bed dragging him into my room to the window. 

"Why are you awake Y/n? What's with the curtains pushed to the side? The sun will mess up your eyes." He said. I looked back outside. The sunrise changed. The sun is getting closer. 

"What are those colors?" I asked before the atmosphere around Ben changed to confusion. 

"What?" He said. 

"The names. What are the names of the colors?" I repeated. Ben looked back at the sunrise. 

"The color around the horizon is a shade of yellow. The clouds close to the horizon are kind of an orange. Then there's the pink color on some of the oranges clouds. The clouds further away from the horizon are a purple. Every sunrise and sunset is different-" He explained before I interrupted him. 

"What color is that?" I asked as I pointed at his hat. He looked shocked. 

"You haven't noticed the color of my clothes?" He said almost shocked.

"The rooms are always dark when I'm awake at night. I thought it was a shade of gray." I explained before Ben shrugged. 

"Green. A darker shade." He replied before I thanked him and he left. I plan on going back to bed, but there are a few things I need to take care of first. I closed my curtains and went downstairs. The light was breaking through the curtains into the room. It was dim, but bright enough to see the color. Everyone was looking at me confused as I wandered into father's office. I grabbed a blank piece of paper and made a list before stepping back into the living room and making my way to Masky. 

"Y/n, why are you awake? It's morning." He said before I held the paper out to him. He hesitantly took it with a confused expression. He looked at the list before looking at me. 

"I can't go into the city. Can you please get these for me?" I asked quietly while taking out some money. Father doesn't want us to wander into the city, but these were essential. If I looked like a human, I would get them myself. 

"I was out hunting. That's all Slenderman needs to know." He said before grabbing the cash from my hand and walking out the door. I heard a door open and looked to see father stepping out of his room. I could tell that he was confused by my presence at this time of day.

"Y/n, why are you awake? It's daylight out." He asked.     Is everyone going to ask me the same question?

"I      I don't feel tired." I replied. It's not a lie. I slept during the night. Therefore, I'm not lying. Father sighed before leading me up the stairs to my room.

"Is something troubling you Y/n?" He asked as we sat down on my bed. I was quiet trying to piece my words together.

"I thought that I was just seeing things when Candy Pop first moved in. Hallucinating.     When we went hunting together, I discovered color. For the longest time, I thought black, gray, and white were the only things in this world. Life is different for me now. I've never been so curious before." I explained. Father was quiet for a while. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind.

"You want to know more. See more.   That's why you are not tired. Your mind won't let you sleep. It yearns for answers and knowledge." He said before moving the sheets. I reluctantly laid back down in bed before father tucked me in. In his eyes, I am still his little girl who needs his protection and guidance.

"Close your eyes Y/n. Close your eyes and count the stars." He whispered before I did what he asked. I imagined the night sky and started counting every star. Sure enough, I felt myself growing tired as the darkness consumed my mind making me fall asleep.

-Candy Pop pov

The other ceepypastas were talking quietly amongst each other. Y/n was awake during the day. No one knew why. They all tried to think of a reason based off of what Ben said. Their explanations were rather complex when I'm pretty sure the answer is simply her discovering something new and her curiosity going wild. I couldn't help but smile a little wondering what color she'd like more than others. Everyone grew quiet when Masky walked through the doors. He had a couple bags in one hand with a bloody knife in the other. For a moment I thought he went hunting and took the bags from a victim, but it didn't add up. What kind of person wanders through the woods after shopping? Everyone brushed it off and continued with their day, but I needed to know what was going on. Masky looked around probably making sure that Slenderman isn't present. I watched him go up the steps before following him. He walked to Y/n's room before opening the door and quietly setting the bags down in her room. He jumped a little when he turned and saw me.

"Shit Candy Pop." He said as he calmed down.

"You went shopping?" I asked before Masky rolled his eyes.

"Y/n gave me a list and cash. She can't go into the city, so she wanted me to go for her. The only thing Slenderman needs to know is that I went hunting,    which I did." Masky replied before going back down the steps to join the other creepypastas. I slowly opened her door to see her asleep. My curiosity took hold and I looked through the bags. Several boxes of crayons and pencils. Multiple packages of paper and notebooks. There were a few books with photography along with a camera. She wants to know more than just the night and shadows.

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