Ch.5 Blue and Crimson

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-Your pov

I was pacing back and forth in my room with my hair going crazy. I will be hunting with Candy Pop in a few minutes. I don't know if I even want to kill tonight. There has to be a way to call it off. I could pretend to be sick. Mix a bunch of food together and say that I threw up. My thoughts disappeared and I jumped a little from the sound of someone knocking on my door. The door opened revealing Ben.

"Oh hey Ben." I said trying to sound positive. He wasn't convinced.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He asked before I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm beyond nervous. I go hunting with Candy Pop in two minutes and I can't calm down." I explained before Ben smiled.

"The rest of us have been hanging out with him. He's really nice and fun to hang with. I think he wants to get to know you. After all, you have been trying to avoid him the past few days." Ben replied while I managed to get my heart as well as my hair to calm down.

"It's just that he looks odd. I've never seen a creepypasta like him before." I said before looking at the clock. Time's up.

"You can talk to him about it when you go hunting. Take a few deep breaths before you meet him at the front door." Ben finished before leaving. I took a couple deep breaths before I walked out of my room and down the steps. I hesitantly looked at the door to see Candy Pop waiting. He smiled as soon as I reached him.

"Ready?" He asked. I couldn't speak and was trying not to stare. I simply nodded my head and we walked outside. I could feel him looking down at me every now and then. We weren't even half a mile away from the mansion before he started talking.

"Do you have a weapon?" He asked. I looked up at him for a second before looking forward.

"I use my hair like father uses his tentacles." I replied as calmly as I could.

"That will be interesting to see." He replied as he adjusted his grip on the hammer. Suddenly I froze. I could hear a potential victim wandering through the woods. There was a light in the distance. I wasn't sure if it was a flashlight or a camera. There was another sound. Paper. He was following my father's notes and tearing them off the trees. I could hear another set of footsteps. There were two. They were getting closer. Candy Pop was already making his way towards him. He was going to attack from the side. I decided to attack from the front. I could hear their conversation better as I got closer. 

"Jason, I really think we should go back. We have enough notes." One said. The other, Jason, shook his head as they kept walking. 

"We need real proof. We're not going to stop until we get him on camera." Jason replied before ripping off another note and giving it to the other person. I knew right away that they were looking for my father. They're trying to lure him in by taking his notes. I prepared myself before approaching them. I could hear their camera glitching. 

"Holy shit he's here. He's here Jason!" One shouted before Jason shushed him. I immediately tore Jason apart as Candy Pop crushed the other with his hammer. The camera light broke apart the shadows revealing the mangled bodies in front of us. I was shocked. Their blood wasn't black. Am I hallucinating?

"Pretty impressive Y/n." Candy Pop said he cleaned his hammer. I looked at the horizon. Dawn will be here soon. 

"We should head back home." I stated before destroying the camera and grabbing the notes. We started walking back to the mansion. The silence was rather awkward. The next thing I knew, I was starring at him. A couple minutes went by before he looked down at me. I quickly turned away and looked forward frustrated with myself.

"Sorry." I said quietly. I could feel Candy Pop smiling.

"Tell me,   why are you confused?" He said before I eyes widened. I looked up at him.

"What?" I said before realizing that he was talking about yesterday.

"The little conversation we had. You said you were confused.   Why?" He explained before looking down at me. I guess I'll have to do what Ben suggested.

"W-well I just never seen a creepypasta like you before. Your appearance anyway." I said before immediately regretting it. His face was shocked. I must have hurt him. I looked away from him with my head down slightly.

"Hold up." Candy Pop said before grabbing my shoulders and making me face him.

"Are you saying that you never seen colors before?" He asked with pure shock. I was confused by what he said.

"Colors?" I asked. My tone said it all. His eyes widened even more.

"Green? Orange? Mahogany? You've never seen those? Not even the color of blood!?" He said before I shook my head.

"The only things I see are gray, black, and white. Light and shadow. That's pretty much it. I only go outside when it's dark out." I replied before Candy Pop let go of my shoulders. He took a deep breath before grabbing one of the bells on his hair.

"Do you know what this color is?" He asked calmly. I studied it for a second before looking at his eyes.

"Light gray." I replied before he sighed.

"Close. It's silver." He said before grabbing a strand of his hair.

"Do you know what color my hair is?" He asked before I shook my head.

"My hair is blue." He said before I looked at it. Blue. It was quite pretty now that I know what it is. 

"The blood on the victims-" I said before Candy Pop interrupted. 

"Crimson." He stated as we went up the steps to the front door.

"So I'm not going crazy?" I asked before he smiled.

"No. You're not going crazy. What you see is what I am." He replied making me smile a little. I didn't feel so nervous. Now I know that I'm not hallucinating and that gives me relief. But I also have curiosity. I saw something new and now I want to see more.

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