Ch.7 Light

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-Your pov

"For the last time Y/n   no." Masky said as I chased after him. He ran faster once he passed through the door out of the basement. I was gaining on him.

"Come on Masky. Please?" I said as he ran into the living room and jumped over the couch. Everyone stared at us as we ran up the steps before turning their focus back to the T.V.

"For fuck sake Y/n! No!" He yelled while running into his room and shutting his door.

"I'll let you have my slices of cheesecake for the next two weeks!" I shouted through the door before it went quiet. I could hear him walking around his room before he opened his door.

"I get your slice for two weeks, you get this for two weeks." He said as he gave me his lamp. I took it and ran straight to my room.

"You're welcome!" He yelled before I closed my door. I shouted thanks back to him before turning the lamp on. His lamp was the only one that wasn't too bright. It's safe for my eyes and still bright enough for me to see the images in the books and the colors. I studied every picture carefully. The landscape. The sky. Even the water. It was different in every picture. I was growing more interested in the various shades of f/c. I spent most of the day trying to recreate some of the pictures. I was really lacking the talent, but they looked ok.       Kind of. I looked over at the clock and sighed. The sun won't be setting for several more hours. The urge to move the curtains to the side was driving me crazy. I can't hold it back anymore. I put everything back under my bed before approaching my window. I was a little more than nervous to move the curtain. I hesitantly grabbed it and took a deep breath. I jumped a little from the sound of my door opening and looked to see Candy Pop.

What are you doing?" He asked while shutting the door. I took a deep breath to try and calm my shaking hands. I let go of it and started twiddling my fingers.

"It's only going to be a second." I replied before turning back to the window.

"I want to see the colors in real life. Pictures and paper aren't enough right now. For once, I want to see daylight." I replied before grabbing hold of the curtain. I know that it will be bright. I held my breath and quickly moved the curtain to the side. I couldn't see much of anything for that split second. The light was too much. I shielded my eyes and turned away from the window. I froze when I felt the side of my face bump into Candy Pop's chest. I could hear his heart skip a beat before returning to a calming rhythm. My mind was foggy. I didn't know what to do or say at this point. My heart jumped when I felt Candy Pop's arm wrap around me as the light faded. He let go of me when the curtain covered my window.

"Are you ok?" He asked clearly worried. I kept my eyes closed for a while. I could see faint colors fading in and out of the dark.

"I'm fine.   Just disappointed.     I didn't see much of anything. The light is to much." I whispered before I moved away from Candy Pop and sat down.

"I'm tired of being in the dark. All because my stupid eyes can't handle light." I finished as I covered my face. I could hear Candy Pop rush towards me.

"Your eyes are not stupid Y/n.  They are brilliant and unique. All they need is a little help." He said as he held my hands. He got on his knees and looked into my eyes.

" You can't look outside when the sky is clear,   but   maybe you can go outside when it's cloudy out." He finished. I stood up and walked back towards the window. I know what he has in mind. There's no way my father would allow it.

"Father doesn't want me going out on my own. He says that it's too dangerous. He doesn't like it when I'm awake during the day. It'd give him a heart attack if I went out alone in the light." I replied before looking back at Candy Pop to see him towering over me. There was a slight smirk on his face as he bent down so that his eyes met mine.

"Who said you would be going alone?" He replied. I stared at him for a moment before I smiled.

"Meet me downstairs tomorrow at noon." He whispered before standing up straight and leaving my room. I felt my face heat up a little for a second before it faded away. I'm looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. For now, I need to rest.

- Candy pop pov

Obviously the weather is pretty unpredictable. It'll be cloudy one minute and possibly sunny the next. I can't risk having her exposed to that much light.

"Hoodie, I need your help with something." I said when I reached the living room.

"Sure. What is it?" He asked as he got up and followed me to the front door.

"I'm taking Y/n out tomorrow when it's cloudy. But I don't know if and when the sun will be coming out. So I need something to protect her eyes just in case." I replied before Hoodie froze. I knew he was shocked. 

"Slenderman doesn't want her outside during the day. It's too risky. If she can't see, then someone could find her." He said before following me into the woods. 

"I'll be with her in case we run into anything. We'll stay close to where Slenderman left notes so that we can find our way back if things go down." I replied while readjusting my hammer. Hoodie sighed as he took out a knife before we went separate ways to find a victim carrying what Y/n would need for tomorrow.

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