twenty three

804 16 41

A/N:Not bothered to do the mature language because you know by now lmao

Emma's pov:

We were sitting on Ethan's bed,Gray wasn't here so it was just us. I knew he wanted an explaination.

Em:I-I'm sorry..
E:Emma,there's no need for you to be sorry..
E:Em,What happened?What did he do?..

I told him everything,from the moment he first texted me to the moment I was leaving the house. I could see the anger boiling up in him.

E:I'm going to fucking kill him!

He got up and bolted. I tried to run after him but I was to weak.

G:Hey,what's going on??!What happened?!
Em:Please go after E he's gone to my apartment!Please Gray!

Gray left quickly and I slid down the wall and sobbed.

Ethan's pov:

I got to Emma's place and I got out of the car and slammed the door of my car. I ran into the building and ran to her apartment. I swund open the door to see a man sitting on the couch,watching tv.

T:Who are you?!
E:Ethan!Who the fuck are you?!
T:Trevor now I would app--

I ran to him,so angry. I punched him in the face and he got knocked out. I didn't care. I felt the tears burning my eyes. He hurt her,he put her through all of this. I swung my arm to hit him again when someone stopped it. I turned around angrily and saw Grayson standing there.

G:Ethan,I know you're angry but Emma needs you...
E:W-What happened?
G:E,She's broken. She needs you..go home

I nodded quickly and glanced at the unconsious Trevor.

E:Thank you.

I ran out and got into to my car,Gray got into his. I drove as quick as I could,probably breaking the law. I didn't care,I need to see her. I knew she was hurt,I knew she was in pain yet I still left. What the fuck is wrong with me.

After the longest 10 minutes of my life,I got home. I quickly ran into the house,it was silent...very silent. I checked everyroom. I ran to my room,not there. Gray's room,not there. Sitting room,Kitchen,not there. I finally checked the bathroom.

The medicine cabinet on the wall was open. Emma lay still on the ground.


My heart felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces. I fell to the ground and sobbed. I shook her, trying to wake her but she didn't. I called her name many times but I got no response.


Gray cane running in and he was shocked to what he found. On the ground beside her,were the pills I used after my skating accident. I grabbed them quickly and shook them. There was no sound on small tablets moving around. Empty.

A/N:Thank you so soo much for 5k reads!!!So happyyy❤❤

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I gotta do it😂

Do you think she's dead??


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