forty one

570 16 13

Wow!!!How the hell has somthing that i thought might be a bit of fun turned into a story I'm really into that has MORE THAN 20K READS???!!!Actually speechless

Thank you so so so fricken much!

Emma's pov:

When do I tell him?..was the thought that crossed my mind while we were drivong in Ethan's jeep to go get Ice cream. I didn't really know what was happening at the moment. It was awkward and silent and as much as I wanted to speak,I didn't know what to say. And it seemed,he didn't either.

We sat in silence for the entire journey. I know I should tell him but things are going good right now...we are actually talking and sitting in a car together,that's progress from awkwardly looking at eachother. If I told him now,he most likely wouldn't want me in his house,his car even.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the ice cream place.

Ethan's pov:

I followed Emma into the Ice cream place,it wasn't packed but a bit busy. Emma went up to the cashier amd asked for a sample of the smooth chocolate and one of cookies and cream.

I smiled at how happy she looked but whenever I looked into her eyes. I could tell,there was something going on.

She ordered her ice cream,after trying every flavour,she decided to get chocolate with chocolate sauce.. I ordered mine too,chocolate with sprinkles. You can tell we love chocolate. Don't forget,all dairy free.

We found a table amd Emma sat down. I put my ice cream onto the table.

E:I'm just going to the bathroom,back in a minute.

I walked away from Her and to the bathroom.

I came back to an empty table. Emma and I's ice cream were still here. Where is she? I looked around the shop quickly,not seeing her at all. I quickly walked or nearly ran,out the front of the shop,their was a lot of people. I searched everywhere. No sign of her. How could I let this happen again?! Where the fuck is she?! I ran around like an idiot ,searching for Emma. I couldn't see her anywhere. I stopped for a second and put my hands on my head. I sighed deeply. I could feel my eye's burning woth tears. How could I lose the girl I love?Again!

I was about to start searching again until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and saw Emma.

Emma's pov:

As soon as he turned around,I could see his eyes were red.

Em:What happened?

I touched his hand by accident. I looked down quickly.


Instead of pulling his hand away,he grabbed my hand.

E:Emma you scared the shit out of me!
E:I thought I'd lost you!
Em:Oh...well I'm right here idiot!


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