thirty six

648 15 5

2 weeks later

Emma's pov:

I was sitting on my bed,freaking out.
I checked the time. Oh god,Time's up.

I walked into my bathroom and moved the bit of tussue,revealing three pregnancy tests. One by one,I checked them. The first one,positive. The second,positive. The third,positive.

I'm pregnant.

I thought about when it must have happened...A month ago!A whole month?! I looked at them again too male sure I wasn't just imagining it...I'm pregnant...with Ethan Dolan's baby. What the fuck do I do now?! My baby's dad isn't even in the state!

I had calmed down a small bit but I was still so shocked....I'm fucking pregnant! I'm 18 and pregnant(I made her 18 so it's not illegal lmao)
I could be on that show 'teen mom'.

I paced my room,trying to figure out how to tell people. My mom hadn't gotten much better,she has a small bit but not much. This would just shock her. Ethan...Ethan's in a differemt country at the moment!For fuck sake! My life is actually a mess.

Omg,Amanda and Olivia are comig tomorrow,perfect timing. I'll tell them then they can help me out..but no I should tell Ethan first,he's the father but how do I do that,I haven't spoken to him in 2 weeks. Not even a text to say I'm alright,he,on the other hand,had texted me everyday until 2 days ago.

I need to go to LA...I sighed and picked up my phone. I decided to text Amanda and Olivia first.

Em:Hey girls,so I know your coming tomorrow but you can't
A:What why?
O:But it's all planned
Em:I know but I need to tell you guys somthing and I wanna visit LA
A:Okay well we'll cancel our flights
O:When are you coming?
Em:I'll book the flights for tonight,I need to go there,I need to see Ethan
O:Emma are you sure?You were so upset when you left
Em:Yeah,I need to
A:Okay text us the details and we'll pick you up from the airport
Em:Okay Thank you guys
A:No problem Emma
O:Can't wait to see you again two weeks is way to long

I put down my phone and walked inti my Mom's room,she was aloud home for a few days because we had a nurse and a doctor in the house next to us.

Em:Mom I'm going to LA for a few days..
M(Emma's Mom):Okay honey that's okay..when are you leaving?
Em:Tonight if I can

I turned around and headed back to my room. I looked for flights to LA and luckily I found one for 4am so I'd get there at 7am okay perfect. I booked it and texted the girls the details and when they can pick me up. Ethan's currently in New Jersey but they are going to LA tonight too. Shit. What if I see them in the airport. I'll go quickly.

I started packing,i only packed light necause I was only planning to go for 4 nights. I threw in the pregnancy tests,not wanting my mom to see them and also so Ethan knows it's true.

I was finished packing and I checked the time, 9pm. I got into bed,set and alarm for half 1 and tried to sleep. I fell asleep pretty quickly.

A/N:A lot of you guys guessed it!

Thanks for all the votes and reads!


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