The Nightmare

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Foxy's POV


I woke up realizing that I'm in my old body. So I know it was a dream. I looked around and saw posters of Fredbear before the incident. So it only made me realized that I was in Fredbears family diner. And I recognized everyone mainly the children that got killed. Jacob:toy Freddy; Max:me; Evan:Bonnie; Zack:Freddy; Eddie:toy Bonnie; Lilly:toy Chica; Abby:Chica and Samantha: Mangle. I walked up to them and said "sup guys." But off to the corner of my eye I saw a endoskeleton head but as soon I looked at it, it disappeared. Then I hear some kid crying out loud. I looked and saw three guys in animatronic head masks carrying a kid in black and gray striped shirt crying.

I didn't do anything but watched and saw the one in the foxy mask put the kid in Fredbears mouth. Then Fredbear closed his mouth shut crushing the kid's head. Everyone in the pizzeria started screaming. Then the dream shift to the next day. I must of imagine it but I saw a weird looking endoskeleton with a clown face but I forgot about it. I was in a medium sized room, with my girlfriend Samantha. I realized where we are though. We were at circus baby pizzeria world.

I looked around and saw other kids playing and running around. Cause of the sight of that I felt bad for the kid that went to the hospital. Then I looked at circus baby and saw that she was staring at me. I looked away, but when I looked again she was still looking at me. So u walked towards her and I can see that she was following me with her eyes. Then I heard my name come from baby and not my name Max..... My animatronic name: Foxy. I started to back away but I couldn't, it's like she was holding me here against my will. I looked at her again and said" How do you know who I am?" She said nothing for a while. Then said"I know who you are, Foxy cause I'm connected with you." I didn't believe it but since I am a kids soul in a animatronic body anything is possible. I said, " Okay so what do you want? I can't do anything here and plus i swore myself to never wake up cause I didn't want to be there when mangle's soul, Samantha's soul goes to heaven."then I crumbled to the floor crying. "She isn't going to die." She said. I looked up and stared at her in anger. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!" She just looked at me and said "I have to go just find her and go to the day that you died and go find me,to free me." Wait free her? "What why and where are you going to be if I have to find you?" She started to perform but still connected to me I'll be here but mangle will keep hiding. Just find her." Then she started singing and with that I lost connection to circus baby.

Then the scene blurred and I saw a weird looking Freddy animatronic with faceplates and by that I know who that is..... It's funtime Freddy. Then his face disappeared. The scene focuses on a park called St. William's park. I was walking with Samantha, and she told me to close my eyes and count to 20. So I did and when I opened them, she was gone. I realized that we were playing hide and seek, so I went out looking for her. As I was looking a voice played in my head saying "find mangle." Then an endoskeleton head popped out of no where and disappeared. But I recognized the endoskeleton: it was Mangles extra head. Then I started looking for both Samantha and Mangle. I checked under the slide, behind the bathrooms. But nothing I started to give up, till I heard static coming from the trees. I walked up to it and say mangle up one. I yelled to her"mangle can you come down from there?" She dropped down and stared at me. I looked back at her and hugged her. I started to cry and saying word that I can't even make out. She started to pet my head and said"I miss you Foxy." I didn't want to let her go I want her to stay with me. "Please wake up Mangle, I-I still want you with me, and-and," Then i burst into tears. "Don't worry babe I'll wake up but you need to find baby. She is the key to stop the purple guy and Ennard." Ennard? Who is Ennard? "What babe, who's Ennard?" I asked. She didn't answer my question but she told me"go and find baby and wake up I'll be there when you wake up." Then she vanished in front of me.

I was going to crumble to the ground and cry when the scene blurred for the last day alive. But a vivid image of the pizzeria with the animatronic with the clown face looking right at me with a grin. Then the scene goes to the grand re-opening of Fredbears family diner and everyone was there for the murders. I saw that Spring Bonnie lured all eight of us: Zack, Jacob, Max, Evan, Eddie, Lilly, Abby, and Samantha to the room. Then when he took of the suit and took out his knife he killed me first and I tried to stay in the dream to try to find baby. And turns out it worked and I went out to look for her. Once I found the entrance for the other pizzeria, I went in and found the place was out if business. There was no kids and no staff members. So I went to circus baby's stage and sure enough she was right there waiting for me. She got off her stages this time and said "thank you, but Ennard is in his way now you must stall him so I can get there and stop them both." "Who's Ennard? I asked. She started to vanish and said "you'll see." And vanished completely. Then the whole dream went dark. I was waiting to wake up till I heard a scraping sound behind me and it was the clown face stranger. And he said "I'm coming." Then I woke up with Mangle right next to me. "Did you find her?" She asked. I said "yeah.....and Ennard is coming."

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