"You are also soon to be the proud parents of a baby boy!"
"What?" Castle and I seemed to say in unison.
"You are pregnant with twins!"
"Wow!" Castle said, ecstatically.
"This is amazing!" I said.
A little while later, we left.
"Wow, I just got really tired. That was weird."
"Well, were about to get in the car. You could sleep on the way home."
I yawned. "Yeah, I think a nap is inevitable."
Castle carried me out to the car again, and I guess that almost right after he put me in, I fell asleep. The next thing I remember is waking up in bed, at the loft.
"Hey, sleepyhead!" Castle was standing next to me as I woke up.
"Hey. What's that smell?" I asked, suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings.
"Dinner. I took the liberty of ordering take-out delivery."
"Awesome. Can I go take a shower first? I feel disgusting."
"Sure." He laughed. "Do you want any company?"
I smiled back. "I would love that, except for the fact that right now, I take up most of the space."
"Ok, I'll be waiting." He smiled, then left and gave me some privacy.
I took a long shower, mainly because I forgot about the food, and I was enjoying the warm rain too much. When I got out, I checked my phone, which had a message. I saw that it was from Ryan, so I listened to it.
"Hey, ah, Beckett, it's Ryan. We have an issue. Uhm, well, I just got word that Josh was released this morning. I don't know what happened there, he was supposed to be in for awhile. Anyway... uh, call me back ASAP."
I dropped my phone when the message was over. I think I screamed, and I'm pretty sure I blacked out for a second, because I was lying on the floor when Castle came running in.
"Kate? Kate! Oh my God, Kate what happened?" He helped me up and on the bed. I was wearing only my towel, which wasn't exactly strategically covering me.
"Ca, Castle..."
"Kate, what's wrong?"
"He's out. Josh is out."
FanficKate Beckett and Richard Castle. A writer and his muse. They've always been there for each other. They are partners in life. Nothing can tear them apart, right? I WROTE THIS SO LONG AGO I ONLY REPUBLISHED IT BC I PUBLISHED IT FOR A FEW MINUTES THE O...