Chapter 13

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I check my phone after dancing and there's a message from Austin.

*Hey gorgeous how was dancing?*

*Hey baby It was good xxx* I send back.

"Hey Marie how was dancing?" Mum asks.

"Yeah it was good. We're more than half way through the dance which is good." I say and my phone buzzes. Austin had relpied to my text.

*That's good xxx what are you doing tonight?* He asks me.

*Nothing.* I reply.

"Marie who are you texting?" Mum asks me.

"Austin." I simply answer.

"You and Austin have been spending alot of time together latelty."She says.

"Yeah that's because we want to be good friends again." I say.

"Marie you can stop with the lying now." She says.

"What?" I look at her confused.

"You know what." She says looking at me.

"No I actually don't." I say looking back at her and smiling. My phone goes off again.

*Do you want to come over? I'm bored and I miss you :(* He says.

*I would love to except what do I say to mum?* I say.

I close my phone and mum sighs.

"Marie, I got a call form Michele Mahone today." She says.

Oh no. My phone goes off again.

*You haven't told her about us yet?* He says.

*No I don't want to but I think she is on to us cause your mum called my mum today about something. I'm about to find out* I text.

"And.." I hold my breath.

"And she thanked me for letting Austin stay over for an hour after school." I breathe out.

"Ok.." I say.

"And then I realised that I never knew about Austin staying over for an hour after school." I was panicking for some reason. I mean what happens if she thinks we were doing something bad and tells me that I'm never aloud to see him again? Then what will I do? "So I told her that I wasn't aware that Austin stayed over but I told her that it was fine, then she was shocked and thought that you had told me first but when I told her that you didn't, she felt bad, but I told her not to worry about it.."

"Where are you going with this?" I ask and she ignors and continues.

"So then after all that was all cleared up we started to talk for a bit and then something interesting came up during the convosation." Oh god. "Michele started telling me about Austin's girlfriend." I whipped my head around and looked at her."She said this to me, 'I'm so happy that Marie and Austin are dating'." Crap."Care to explain?" She finally stopped talking.

"Well.." Just then my phone buzzed with a message from Austin.

*Ok well good luck and tell me what she says xxx* He replies.

"That Austin?" She questions.

"Yeah. Anyway mum please don't be angry at me ok. Austin and I are dating."

"How long for?" She asks her eyes focused on the road.

"Since last night." I say.

"Lats night?"

"Yeah remeber how I went over to his house last night for the movie night." I say to her.

"Oh right sorry."

"Yeah well he asked me then and I said yes." I simply say.

"Ok well you know the rules Marie."

"Yes mum I know the rules don't have to tell me."

"Ok." She says.

It went silent and till I got a message for Austin.

*Babe how did it go? Are you aloud to come tonight?* The message says.

*Yeah everythings good I'll tell you about it later. I'm aloud to go I just need times.* I say.

Knowing my mum she won't let me go unless she has times.

*Right sorry come at 6:45 and if you ant you can sleep here or you can go home at anytime you want.* He says. He's so sweet.

*Ok let me ask.* I reply.

"Hey mum, Austin asked me if I wanted to come over tonight for a sleep over tonight at 6:45 and then we go to school tomorrow together. Am I aloud?" I ask. Some how I know that she will say no.

"Marie your aloud to go but no funny buisness, I'm warning you." She says.

"I know mum." I say annoyed at her.

I text Austin back saying that I'm aloud to go and then he replies very happily. The rest of the car ride mum sits there and has 'The Talk' with me.

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