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the sky was a dark blue dripping into the orange sunset that was now fading, but colby was more focused on the dark-haired girl in front of him

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the sky was a dark blue dripping into the orange sunset that was now fading, but colby was more focused on the dark-haired girl in front of him. avery's brown eyes were begging for his attention and she had it. he would choose to stare into the darker color over the colorful sunset any time he was given the option.

it wasn't until she suggested that they watch the sunset that he even looked at it, but it was only for a second. he happily took up her offer because how could he not? his heart swelled at the soft smile that took over her features as her hand reached for his and she pulled him over towards the pool and she dipped her toes in. it was dirty, but she didn't care because colby didn't either. 

she let her back fall against the concrete and colby stayed sitting up, staring down at her with a bright grin spread across his face. her smile was directed at the sky, or maybe it was because she was with him, but either way colby felt everything click into place in that moment.

her hand was barely holding his, but their fingertips were still grasping onto the other's and neither of them were ready to pull them apart.

when they heard the backdoor open, they both ripped their hands away from each other and tried to act as if nothing would've happened if they weren't interrupted.

they were greeted with a purple haired boy and a grin so big that the dimples digging into his cheeks looked like they should hurt. he innocently waved at them and if they were looking hard enough, they would have caught his small smirk.

jake knew what was going on between them- even what they didn't accept about themselves- but he liked to pretend he didn't because he enjoyed the look of pure panic on their faces when he would almost catch them.

"what's up, bro?" colby asked, trying not to show how irritated he was that jake ruined a moment where colby could have kissed her. colby always had chances to kiss her, though he never took them because he was too scared. he liked to blame that on surrounding factors. tonight, it was jake's fault.

"we're filming a skit," jake cleared his throat and shifted under the glare that avery didn't think was that noticeable. "we need you and avery, if you're down."

"yeah, sure," colby nodded and shoved himself up off the concrete, reaching his hand out to help avery up. she didn't take it and got up alone, brushing her shoulder against his as she walked into the house.

she found devyn and kat sitting together and she made her way over, taking the spot that devyn patted beside her. they all began to giggle together and that was all colby could focus on from the bathroom. her laugh flooded his ears and drowned out any plans that corey was trying to get the boys to go along with.

"colby," jake's deep voice knocked him from his thoughts and he lifted his head up, trying to give jake all of his attention. to be honest, his attention was still on the girl who was just outside the bathroom and all he could think about was watching the sunset with her again. "you good?"

"fine," he nodded, finally listening to the stupid skit corey had made up. the skit that had ruined his moment with avery.

the boys exited the bathroom and began to follow the instructions that corey had given them, and they shoved sam over to the girls. avery couldn't help but laugh at sam's actions and colby wished that they had sent him over instead.

"i'm more of a jake girl, sorry," avery laughed as sam leaned down towards her. it was only a joke, but colby's heart still sunk. the boys then did a dance, and decided they didn't need girls anyway and after the camera was shut off, colby stormed up the steps. avery furrowed her brows, but followed after him anyway. she creaked his door open and peaked her head in. he was laying on his back as he stared at the ceiling. "you okay?"

her voice was silky and made his heart melt in a matter of moments and all of his unreasonable anger faded away.

"yeah," he informed her. he was tired of people asking him if he was fine, he was. all he wanted to do was kiss her and he'd be even better. "what're you doing?"

"i think i'm gunna head home," she gazed at him from his doorway and smiled at how messy his hair had gotten from just him laying down. "walk me out?"

colby rolled out of bed and pulled his hood over his head as he led the way down the steps. it was a cool spring night and he noticed the goosebumps that popped up along her skin, and if she weren't leaving, he would have offered her his hoodie.

they stood a few feet away from her car and she awkwardly fiddled with her lanyard and he bit his lip as he stared down at her. it was a perfect moment for him to lean down and kiss her and make up for when he didn't earlier. he heard his name being called from inside, and even though he still would've had time to give her just a quick peck, he wrapped his arms around her and made his way inside.

she stood there, craving the feeling of his lips against her's and her heart breaking at the fact that it was never going to happen.

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