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i hate writing in first person pov but here's colby's for you guys

i sat on the torn up couch, bringing my beer bottle up to my lips and letting it linger there. my eyes were locked on avery as her body moved freely against kat's. my eyes flickered over to sam and tara who were a few feet away from them doubled over in laughter. i tore my gaze away and finally took a swig of my beer.

i absentmindedly swirled the liquid around in the bottle as i got lost in my thoughts. my mind traveled to the happier parties with avery where we would always sneak outside and watch the stars. i reminisced on the time we danced around in the rain to that stupid song she liked way too much. she hadn't played it recently and i wondered if i ruined it for her when i left.

i found it oddly funny how we went from having times like that to me sitting awkwardly on the couch at a party that she dragged me to, but i found it even funnier that it was all my fault. it was probably the alcohol in my system that was making me laugh at a heartbreaking situation.

"bro," jake's giddy voice saved me from my own mind and i stared up at him as i brought the bottle to my lips once again. "body shots."

his fingers latched onto the material of my hoodie and he was pulling me through the crowd and i caught sight of the short red dress that avery had pulled on just minutes before the party. she was sitting pretty on the table, her ankles crossed and her hands clasped together in her lap as she glanced around the room.

her eyes were moving painfully slow and it felt like it took them forever to finally land on me. my mouth was hung open and i was sure that she could hear how heavy my breathing was even though she was at least twenty feet away.

"i want," she dragged her words out and brought her bottom lip between her teeth as she pretended to observe her options before she was focused on me again, "colby to do it."

my neck snapped towards jake, but he had a shit eating grin on his face and that's when i knew that was why he dragged me off of the couch. people began to murmur around me and it was probably because everyone had heard that me and avery were broken up, but apparently that didn't matter to her anymore. jake pressed his hands against my back and shoved my frozen body forward and avery only smirked at me as i sauntered towards her.

the boy who threw the party handed her a lime and sprinkled salt near the corner of her mouth and i found his placement unusual and then i realized that avery was motioning for him to put it there. she thanked him before she placed the lime between her plump lips and then she stared up at me with her big eyes.

i took the glass from the shorter boy and my free hand settle on her waist. i leaned down so my mouth was level with her ear,

"you're a bad girl," i pressed my lips against her skin and didn't pull away until i was sure i'd gotten all the salt off. i tilted my head back as i downed the tequila and then her hands were grasping onto the strings of my hoodie and bringing my face towards her's. my teeth latched onto the lime, but i only spit it onto the table and attached my lips to her's. i pulled away quickly because i knew what she was doing and i wasn't going to let her have that satisfaction in front of all these people. my voice was hushed as i nipped at her earlobe, "and bad girls don't get rewarded."

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