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avery and colby were sat on the roof of a house that belonged to someone neither of them knew

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avery and colby were sat on the roof of a house that belonged to someone neither of them knew. avery's hands were in her lap, one of them intertwined with colby's and the other clenched in a fist. they were both quiet and they could hear the thunder rumbling from miles away and if they looked close enough, they could see the lightning behind the clouds.

"i hate thunder," avery scowled, her hand grasping colby's tighter as the air grew colder and the storm traveled closer. colby had given avery the hoodie that was slung over his shoulder the second they climbed onto the roof because he noticed the goosebumps that appeared on her skin when the wind blew over them.

"do you want to go inside?" he questioned and she was quick to tell him no. she would rather be sitting in fear on the roof than inside surrounded by obnoxiously drunk people. "it's only thunder, baby, and it can't hurt you."

"i just don't like it," she replied softly and he squeezed her hand. she used her free hand to grip her cup and take a few sips of it, wincing at the awful taste of the cheap vodka. colby watched her with a smile spread across his features, the flash of lightning illuminating the way her face was scrunched up.

"can i have a sip?" colby asked since he had already finished his drink a while ago and she handed him the plastic cup. she told him he could have the rest of it and he downed it quickly, beginning to feel a bit more than just tipsy now.

"i want something better," she pouted and colby stood up, his hands tugging her after him and they giggled as they managed to get off the roof. she followed him into the house, his hand guiding her between the sweaty bodies until they were in the kitchen.

she propped herself up on the granite counter and swung her legs back and forth as he mixed her a drink after he'd found a better type of alcohol.

"what are you guys doing?" jake waltzed in with tara right behind him, her head peaking around his frame and she laughed as she saw colby's face. colby was so obviously drunk at this point and he sloppily grinned at the other couple. he held up the bottle as if to answer their question.

"thanks," avery whispered as she held the cup between her hands and took a sip.

"you're both shitfaced," jake chuckled, pulling tara aginst his side as he looked between the two. "how are you getting home?"

his question recieved a shrug from the pair, followed by laughter. jake only shook his head at them before letting them know he was sober and would drive them.

colby and avery ran off after that and they ended up outside despite the rain that was now pouring from the sky. avery was too drunk to care about the thunder that was even louder now. she hugged colby and they swayed back in forth before she gripped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss.

"so cliche," he mumbled against her lips before fully kissing her again.

"we're the definition of cliche," a giggle fell from her mouth and she stood back as she admired him. he ran a hand through his hair that was sopping wet before he brushed it to the side.

"i think we are."

"you're so drunk," she slurred as she placed her hands on the back of his neck and got so close to him that their foreheads were touching.

"you are," he shot back, leaning down and pressing his lips on the tip of her nose. he was so in love with her and the way her brown eyes were big as she stared up at him and she was in love with him too. they both knew it but were too scared to say it out loud because that made it real.

they stood there for a moment, the rain dripping down both of their faces as they looked at each other with their eyes full of love. avery suddenly pulled out her phone and played a song that she loved way too much and then she grabbed his hands and began to dance.

he was still before he followed her actions and loud laughs tumbled from both of their mouths and god they were so in love that the people watching them from the windows envied what they had. the two of them didn't even realize how lucky they were to have each other.

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