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it had been a month of colby and avery avoiding each other, and she was planning on keeping it that way

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it had been a month of colby and avery avoiding each other, and she was planning on keeping it that way. she missed him, but she didn't want him to know that. he felt the same way, but he thought she was happy so he didn't reach out.

it wasn't until jake called and told her she had to come over because everyone missed her and they were moving out soon that she even thought about going to visit. she decided she had to go because she didn't know the next time they'd all be together.

she grabbed her lanyard and drove over, sitting in the car as she debated on going inside or not. they must have known that's what she was going to do because kat was outside waiting for her and pulled her from her car.

"colby's not even downstairs," kat reassured as avery trailed behind her into the living room. at this point, everyone knew what was going on between colby and avery, but they still liked to deny it.

they sat and talked until colby came trudging down the steps in only sweatpants. his hair was messy and the bags under his eyes were darker than she'd ever seen them. he didn't notice her at first, but when he did everything seemed to freeze around him. he stopped for a moment before continuing his way to the kitchen and jake was shoving avery after him.

"hi," she squeaked and she saw his back muscles tense. he turned around and she wanted to trace her fingers over his abs and tell him how much she missed him, but she didn't.

"hi," his voice was deep and it sounded like he just woke up and she loved it. he wanted to tell her how stupid they both were and that they should be together, but he didn't

they stared at each other silently until colby turned back around and grabbed the bag of chips he originally came downstairs for.

"wait, colby," she called after him as he began to walk away. he stopped and looked at her, his blue eyes begging her to say what he wanted to hear. "come here."

her voice was soft and he was in love with her so he walked over. her index finger trailed down his chest and she outlined his abs just like she wanted to. his breath got caught in his throat as her fingers snapped the waistband of his sweatpants against his skin.

"tell me," she whispered. colby knew what she was asking for and he should've kissed her instead of telling her.

"i missed you," he confirmed and she smiled. her gaze flickered between his lips and his eyes and she wanted to kiss him. she always wanted to, but after weeks of not even seeing him, the feeling was stronger.

she decided to go for it because he missed her and she missed him. she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a hand to his cheek before leaning forward and capturing his bottom lip between both of her's. she sucked gently and his hands grabbed a fistful of her hoodie at her actions and he groaned against her mouth. she pulled away and stared up at him, her brown eyes big and her breathing heavy.

"kiss me again."

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