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a sucky chapter because people wanted colby's pov and i almost posted that and completely skipped this chapter, but this is a filler to let ya know what went on between then and the next chapter which i will be posting right after this one (-; sorry!

it took colby some convincing to go back to los angeles without avery, but she promised she would meet him there after she spent some time with her family. she took that time to fill her parents in on what had been going on and they all found it crazy how the boy who hadn't stopped bothering her to move to california four years ago was the one who made her want to leave.

her mother thought that of all the people to break her heart that it would he some californian, not the boy who had stayed up for hours on facetime rambling about how pretty the city was and that she needed to see it. she recalled how much sleep avery lost just so she would be able to talk to him for a little longer. avery would often miss first period her senior year because she was so tired that even her multiple alarms weren't enough to wake her.

her father mentioned how if he hadn't of known any better, he would've thought that avery broke colby's heart by how he looked when he showed up on their front porch a few days ago.

avery then went on to tell them how happy colby made her and that even though she was rather young, she believed colby really was the one for her. her parents watched how her face lit up as she talked about all their memories together and her mother immediately knew that colby was her soulmate. after witnessing how broken they both were for only a short time without each other, it was confirmed.

they spewed advice at her from the night he left to the morning they were driving her back to the airport. her parents bid her farewell with hugs and multiple kisses on the cheek, while her brother left her with his tears stained on her grey sweater.

"i don't want you to leave again," he frowned and she felt her bottom lip begin to quiver. she had been away for so long and he had grown too much in that time. she stared down at her younger brother who was only twelve, but almost her height.

"i'll fly you out for your thirteenth birthday if mom and dad will allow it," she linked her pinky with his and sadly smiled down at him, "i promise."

she gave him a bone crushing hug goodbye before she went through security and gave them one final wave as she made it to the other side. she trudged to her gate and sat patiently until her flight was called. she was in a row by herself and she was thankful because she wasn't sure if she could handle anyone at this point.

colby greeted her at the airport and she melted in his arms and he pressed his lips against the top of her head. they stood there for a few moments and to other's it probably looked like they had been away from each other for a while, and even though that wasn't the case, that's how they felt.

when they were driving back to avery's apartment and colby's hand was laced with her's, she decided that she wanted him back, but she wasn't going to let him know yet. she wanted to see how he squirmed under the pressure of not knowing that avery was all for him again. she wanted him to suffer.

she loved colby and she knew that he loved her, but he made her feel as if her entire world was falling down around her and she wanted to make him feel that pain.

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