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avery's drunk giggling flooded colby's car and a grin was plastered across his face at the sound. they snuck away from the party because it began to grow too much for them and they wanted to be alone. sam had made sure they weren't driving anywhere and only let them go outside after colby promised that they were just going to sit there.

"the stars are so pretty," avery marveled at the bright dots through colby's windshield. colby slowly nodded in agreement and looked over at her, his blue eyes full of love.

"not as pretty as you," he whispered, his gaze lingering on the side of her face. another laugh toppled from her plump lips and she turned her head as she focused on him. his hair was messy and the color was fading from it and his lips were still chapped despite how many times she offered him her chapstick.

"you're pretty," she replied. she was in love with the things that anyone else would call flaws. she reached her index finger towards his face and poked him on the tip of his nose. his face scrunched up, but the expression was replaced with a smile and soon the tight area was echoing with their laughter again. "we should go inside."

"i don't want to," he pouted and his hand shot out to grip her wrist so she didn't leave. her fingers were grasping the door handle, but she let go at his touch. she leaned over and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips and then she left the car before he could stop her again. he could hear her giggling as she looked over her shoulder at him and scurried inside. he was so in love with her.

he followed her and found her in the living room with jake. he stood far enough away from her that she wouldn't notice him. he watched her and smiled as the dark lights managed to light up her smile even more as she laughed at something jake said. her messy hair fell in front of her face when she leaned over slightly as a giggle erupted throughout her body.

colby was in love with avery, but he couldn't help the way his eyes wandered and landed on a lonely brunette who looked lost in the corner. he made his way over to her and offered her a drink because he could tell that he knew the house better than her.

"are you from around here?" he questioned as he poured fireball into a plastic cup half full of coke.

"no," she laughed lightly and his heart stopped at the new sound that filled his ears. he remembered the first time that he heard avery's laugh and he swore he'd never enjoy anyone else's more than her's. "my friend is though and she dragged me here."

"i'm colby," he introduced himself while handing her the drink. his eyes raked down her body as he took in the outfit she was wearing that closely mimicked one of avery's.

"i know," she retorted as she smiled at him. her lips were covered in a bright red lipstick that avery would never wear unless devyn forced it on her. there was some on her two front teeth, but colby thought it only added more to her. "i've seen your videos. i'm brooklyn."

"that's a pretty name," he complimented with a bright grin. his gaze flickered to where avery was standing and she was paying no attention to him. she was focused on the game of beer pong going on around her. colby wished she had been more interested in him than the party tonight.

"thanks," she blushed, leaning towards him in an attempt to flirt. her voice was low as she spoke, "so, who's that girl that's always in your videos?"

colby hated himself as the next words spilled from his mouth so smoothly, "a friend."

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