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avery was in bed with her covers pulled up to her chin and she stared blankly at the wall with no tears left to offer. she had locked her door to keep her friends out and she shut her phone off last night so she didn't break and answer any of their calls. she was embarrassed and wondered why none of her friends told her what colby was doing and she was scared that if she left her apartment she would find brooklyn and hit her until she couldn't anymore.

she decided to turn her phone on to call her mom and tell her what had happened, letting her know that colby had broke her once again. she wanted her mom's advice and kind words that never failed to help her.

missed calls and texts from colby flooded her lock screen, the newest one being from five minutes ago and she found herself scrolling through them. they mostly consisted of colby yelling at her and questioning why she would do that to him and the last one was a simple whatever, be like that.

avery furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and ran a hand through her knotted hair before tapping on his contact and calling him back.

"what the hell?" his voice was raspy and he sounded awful and avery's stomach bubbled with anger.

"what do you mean?" she nearly shouted into the speaker, not caring that it was seven in the morning and that she would most likely wake her neighbors if she continued to scream at him. "you should've just let me stay home if you were gunna play me like that."

"what are you going on about?" he groaned, his words matching the level of anger that she had. "don't think that brooklyn didn't tell me what you guys talked about. you're the one in the wrong here."

"fuck you, colby," avery hung up before he had a chance to reply and she forced herself out of bed. she pulled on tara's green merch and flung the hood over her head before she swiped her keys from her counter and drove over to the boy's apartment complex. instead of barging into colby's, she stomped towards sam's and knocked on the door until the messy-haired boy opened it. he looked tired, but she didn't care that she woke him up and let herself inside.

"listen, avery," sam sighed as he anxiously rubbed the back of his neck. "i never wanted to have to pick sides, but after what you did to colby i think i have to."

avery stared at him with her arms crossed as she waited for him to go on.

"and i'm on colby's," his words were barely audible but avery caught them and her eyes popped wide open because she didn't even know what she'd done wrong and how could sam pick colby's side after all he'd done to her?

"i didn't do anything," she wanted to yell, but her voice came out as a pathetic whimper and she realized she was too exhausted to argue anymore.

"yes, you did?" he questioned and he didn't want to be rude, but he reopened his apartment door in hopes that she caught the hint. avery let out an angry puff of air and exited before going over to jake's. she knocked softly this time because she was sure jake hated her too and she didn't know if she actually wanted him to open the door.

"what's up?" jake's voice trailed off as he opened the door and noticed who was on the other side. he shot a look over his shoulder and avery assumed that tara was sitting on his couch with a confused look on her face.

"i just want to know what i did wrong," avery begged, her eyes flickering between jake and tara who was now standing beside him. jake let out a cold laugh and tara gave avery a sad smile.

"if you can't figure that out yourself, then you really are the problem," jake retorted, anger evident in his voice. avery looked to tara with pleading eyes and hoped that her friend would help her out.


"how could you cheat on colby?" she questioned. she sounded disappointed and sad and avery wanted to tell them that she didn't, but she didn't have anymore energy to convince her friends that she would never do something like that. she turned around and hurried down the hallway, wasting no time in barging into colby's apartment. he never locked his door and it was a dangerous habit, but she was thankful for it this time.

he was sitting on his couch with his head in his hands and she knew him well enough to know that he had been crying.

"i didn't cheat on you," she spoke, ready to stand her ground. colby glanced up at her with puffy eyes and he shook his head as a way to tell her that he didn't believe her. "colby, what the fuck?"

"brooklyn told me everything."

"yeah," avery nodded sarcastically and confusion flooded colby's features. "and brooklyn told me that you two never broke up and that you were just trying to see how easily you could get me back because i'm so in love with you that it's pitiful."

"you are pretty in love with me," the chuckle that fell from colby's chapped lips wasn't sad or venomous, it was relieved.


"but i'm pretty in love with you too," colby giggled like a little school girl and reached his arms out for avery to crawl into. "i'm really sorry."

"for what?" she pressed.

"everything. for breaking your heart and thinking i needed someone else. you're the person who makes me want to wake up every morning. you make my entire world spin and i couldn't picture spending the rest of my life with anybody else by my side," he whispered, "i was stupid and i can't believe you're actually willing to give me another chance."

"and what else?" avery pretended that his words didn't make her heart flutter.

"for believing that evil witch," avery laughed at him and apologized as well because she also believed brooklyn. "she's just jealous and thought she could get between us again."


"i really do love you, you know that right?"

"yeah, i love you too."


"you still have to really make it up to me," avery reminded him and he squeezed her body against his and attacked her face with small kisses.

"trust me, i will."

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