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colby told avery to look pretty tonight so she did. he texted her quickly after and told her that she always looked pretty, but tonight was different and she only laughed at his message before throwing her phone onto her bed. she settled on a lovely pink dress that was hung in her closet and she used to wear it all the time, but it was never around colby so to her it was still new.

she only had a few minutes until colby was there to pick her up so she grabbed her purse and slipped on her heels and waited for him outside. it was a warm night and the sun was going to set soon, but the sky was still a clear blue with only a few puffy clouds.

avery watched as colby drove much too fast into her apartment's parking garage and he shot her a smile through his windshield. he parked beside her car and got out before she had a chance to open the door herself. he pulled it open for her. grabbing the bouquet of multiple kinds of pink flowers and handing them to her.

"thank you," she blushed and pulled him down by the pink tie he was wearing to give him a quick kiss on the lips. she giggled to herself when she noticed that they were both wearing pink, but she didn't think too much into it and thought it was cute. "where are we going?"

colby replied with a chuckle and turned the music up so that avery's favorite band flooded through his speakers. he refused to answer any of her questions during the two hour drive and squeezed her hand anytime she asked one. when they finally arrived, avery was confused and tried to take in her unfamiliar surroundings.

it was a field full of different types of pink flowers and she assumed that was where colby had gotten the ones he had given her. there was a checkered blanket covering an empty space on the grass and a woven basket was sitting on top of it along with a pink box.

"what is this?" she questioned softly, her eyes flickering between colby and the pretty scene.

"so," colby seemed nervous and avery couldn't figure out why. it was only her and colby had no reason to get nervous around her anymore, but she still found it adorable. "i planted all of these a while ago."


"for you," he informed her, "they all have different meanings. come here."

he pulled her hand into his and led her to the first group of flowers.

"these are zinnias," he began, his eyes lingering on them before he gazed over to her. "they represent friendship. you've been my best friend for so long that i can't remember what my life was like before you were in it. having you beside me for so long has truly been a gift that i don't deserve.

and these are chrysanthemums. these symbolize happiness and love: two things that you've brought into my life during every moment you've been in it. i love you more than i ever thought was possible and you make me the happiest during times i think i'm never going to smile again.

these ones are orchids, they took a bit of extra care to keep healthy, but it was worth it. they represent beauty and you just so happen to be the most beautiful girl i have ever lay eyes on.

these are pink roses and it's not hard to guess that they're for appreciation and admiration. i both admire and appreciate you more than you will ever be able to know. thank you.

these here are carnations. they symbolize being unforgettable and you, my dear, are so unforgettable that every moment we have spent apart i was left with a burning feeling everywhere you've touched me and a picture of you every time i closed my eyes.

and petunias, they represent longing or anger. i feel as if both of those apply to us. whenever i left you angry, i ended up longing for you. i'm sorry, by the way, for ever making you angry like that and i promise to never do that again.

these butterfly bushes aren't very grown because i planted them not long ago. they mean new beginnings. i like to think of you giving me a second chance as a new beginning for us. one where i don't mess up as awfully as i did.

onto primroses, they symbolize young love and attachment. ave, i fell in love with you around three years ago and it took me forever to finally admit it to you, i actually waited for you to make all the first moves. anyway, i believe that you are my first and only love, even though we're still kind of young. we have such an attachment and bond that no one could ever fully break us apart if they tried.

these last ones are hydrangeas. they represent true feelings and i think it's time that i tell you mine. i know you know that i love you, more than anything really, but i've never had a chance to tell you everything.

before you, i was in a dark spot and had no one else on my team besides sam. when you came into my life, you supported me through everything- even when sam wouldn't. you helped me find the brightness in life and all the small things that came along with it. when i tell you that i was truly lost before you, i mean it.

i never made a move because i had no clue how you could be attracted to me. you're perfect in every single way. from the way you always giggle during times you shouldn't to how you still come on trips with me even though you get incredibly scared to the way you look gorgeous when you wake up, you're absolutely perfect in between every good and bad quality you have, you're ethereal.

i never experienced pain the way i did when you left me and went back home to your family. i felt as if every ounce of happiness and light that you had helped me find was ripped right out of my chest and torn apart in front of me. i know i caused all of those problems, but i will never do anything like that to you again- i promise.

i love you with every ounce of my being. i never thought i was capable of loving someone the way that i do you. you make everything better and i never want to experience my life without you again. come here."

colby pulled avery towards the blanket and he bent down to grab the pink box.

"look at how pretty the sunset is," colby pointed out in hopes to distract her. when she turned around, he flipped the box open and grabbed the smaller, velvet one from inside and he flicked it open, staring up at her when she was facing him again. "i know we're still young and stupid and making awful decisions everyday of our life, but if there's one good decision i've ever made, it was you. will you marry me?"

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