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it was a mixture of things that made avery book a flight back home to new york. she missed her younger brother and hated the thought of how much he was growing up without her by his side. in fact, she missed her whole family and the way her father would always greet her with a tight hug whenever she walked through her front door. she wanted to cry in her childhood room where she dealt with her first heartbreak sophomore year and although the pain back then wasn't nearly as harsh as it was now, she still felt like her favorite blanket that she left laying at the end of her bed would help.

most of all, she hated how california no longer felt like home now that colby wasn't in her life.

it took her only two hours to pack the things she knew that she'd need. she wasn't sure if she wanted to fully move home again and even if she did, she'd most likely leave the rest of her belongings behind because all of them screamed colby's name and no matter how many times she'd wash them, his smell would still linger. she couldn't do the simplest tasks in her apartment without being reminded of the boy and it was tearing her apart.

kat spilled the secret that avery was leaving to sam and it didn't take long for it to get passed onto colby. colby nearly dropped his phone at the news and he ignored brooklyn's confused gazed as he pulled out his laptop and scrolled through flights to new york the next morning.

it would've been too cliche of colby to show up at the airport and cause a commotion while convincing the love of his life to not get on the plane, so he bothered his friends until he found out her departing time and he caught a flight right before her's.

"something came up," colby barely looked up at the brunette girl as she pawed at his chest and begged him not to leave. he was growing more annoyed with her by the second and wished she would just go away.

her red nails clawed at his shirt and her lips came in contact with his neck in hopes that she would be able to change his mind and even though his eyes closed for a brief second as a breathy moan fell from his lips, he still backed away and continued to throw his necessities in his backpack.

"listen, brooklyn," he sighed, his hands tugging at the roots of his hair in frustration, "i think it's best that we end this now."

it took a bit of arguing for her to finally storm out of his apartment and then he was left alone with his thoughts and two hours to get to the airport. he was already running late and he was worried he was going to miss his flight, so he shoved the last few things into his bag and then scurried to sam's room so he could drive him.

"good luck," sam bid him a farewell.

"thanks, brother."

colby was sat next to a younger girl and she complimented his ripped jeans which made him glance down and realize they were a pair that avery had picked out for him just a year ago. he smiled softly and thanked her. they easily dove into a conversation and learned more about each other and why they were flying across the country.

avery arrived at the aiport right as colby's flight was taking off. she pulled her suitcase behind her as she nervously walked through the large crowds. she went through the long process before sitting outside of her gate with her phone in her hands. she had her messages with colby displayed on the screen with a text typed out to him and it took every ounce of courage to send it.

i miss you.

the text didn't deliver and she was sure that he had blocked her, so she shut her phone off and stayed in silence while she waited for her flight to board. she was squished between an older lady and the window.

"anything particular bringing you to new york?" the woman asked her. she had her glasses pulled down as she squinted at avery like she was trying to profile her. avery nodded slowly and let the lady have her full attention. "what is it? you look stressed."

avery went on to explain her situation and the woman felt a tug at her heart. she then told avery that she was flying to go visit her husband's grave because she missed him. she said that she packed up and moved somewhere new a few months ago in hopes that she would be able to move on, but her heart was where he was and it hadn't worked.

"you can't just leave someone you love behind, dear," she whispered, her lipstick covered lips curving up slightly into a sad smile, "it never works like you think it will."

avery was quiet for the rest of the flight and was thankful when the plane finally landed. her mom picked her up and greeted her with a pitiful smile and bone crushing hug.

she was happy to be home and ran up the steps to hop in bed and pull her fluffy blanket up to her chin while she let everything out knowing that she was in the comfort of her own home, but she wasn't expecting colby to be perched on the edge of her bed with that blanket in his grip.

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