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avery ruffled out her brown waves as she entered the trap house, weaving in and out of bodies to try and find her friends

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avery ruffled out her brown waves as she entered the trap house, weaving in and out of bodies to try and find her friends. it was supposed to just be them hanging out, but jake invited the two girls from before over and then sam decided make it a party.

she was in black jeans and a white crop top, her lanyard around her neck because she didn't want anyone to take her keys. it's not like someone would want to steal her car from high school, but she liked to pretend.

she found jake leaning against the wall with the short brunette girl staring up at him, a smile playing on her plump lips that were covered in gloss. corey and devyn were playing sam and kat in beer pong, and it seemed amusing to watch but avery wanted colby. aaron was sat on the couch and he looked grumpy, he probably wanted to play fortnite but the tv had on a movie that no one was even watching.

avery frowned as she saw colby outside, his hand on the same girl's cheek from a few weeks ago. he was smiling down at her and his eyes looked bright. it was how colby would look at her in moments that she wished he would kiss her, so avery looked away before he kissed the other girl instead.

"hey, avery right?" she turned around and saw a tall, skinny boy staring down at her. she grinned up at him and decided to have fun of her own. she nodded and batted her eyelashes. "i'm alex."

"hi, alex," her voice was low and innocent, and she decided that she was going to kiss him. he was wearing black and white striped pants with a white shirt and his hoodie was only halfway on. it was a goofy outfit that she would've loved even more on colby, but tonight wasn't about him.

"want a drink?" alex led her to the kitchen and she acted like she didn't know this house better than him. he mixed her vodka and sprite- which she didn't like, but she drank it anyway. she thanked him and after she finished it she poured a glass of straight tequila and forced the whole thing down.

"let's dance," she lightly grabbed his hand and pulled him to the backyard where most people were. she ran her hand from his cheek down his neck and let it brush over his chest before she turned around and pressed herself against him. his hands were hesitant, but went to her hips and he helped her move to the beat of the music.

colby was watching from across the yard, his blue eyes squinted as he studied her every move. his grip on the girl he was with loosened for a second before he turned her to face him. her lips were so close to his and they weren't as plump as avery's and her eyes were green instead of brown, but he still kissed her.

it wasn't until jake screamed hell yeah, brother that avery turned and saw colby's lips pressed against another girl's. she had no good reason to be hurt, but the alcohol coursing through her veins made her a mixture of sad and angry and she stormed off.

colby pulled away after moments of not enjoying the kiss and his gaze instantly went to where avery just was. alex was standing alone with a look of confusion on his face and avery was no where to be seen. the girl in front of colby placed her cold hands on his neck to pull him back down, but he ducked out of her grip and wandered inside.

avery was in the bathroom and alex let himself in after he followed her inside. her mind was clouded and she grabbed alex's face and attached her lips to his. they were soft and she could taste peppermint chapstick which only made her kiss him harder. he gripped her hips and shoved her against the bathroom door, his fingers skillfully going behind her to the lock it.

she brought her hands to his neck and tugged at the ends of his hair, earning a groan from him and he began to kiss down her jawline. she leaned her head back and gave him access to her neck, which he placed gentle kisses on and occasionally sucked.

colby looked around for avery and when he didn't find her, he went back upstairs and fell asleep in a sour mood. avery left alex in the bathroom and she drunkenly slept in her car alone.

it started a dangerous game of her and colby pretending they didn't care and that nothing was going on between them.

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