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I woke up in a room I knew it was Killa's looking around I just thought about the times we spend here and the laughter we shared in this room.

On the other hand I have to go home and see Mir's room that will really tear me apart, I didn't even say goodbye to him. That's what makes me more sad.

I looked at Ant who had fallen asleep on the couch. I love that he was by my side through all of this shit life is throwing at me. I got up from the bed and went to him. After I shook him he was a bit shocked but he realised it was me and he calmed down. "what's going on now? I remember hearing about Killa but..." He stood up and hugged me. I cried more because I didn't understand how all of this can happen to a 22 year old like me.

There are plenty of 22 year old girls in the world. Why did it have to be me!? "there's a chance he'll live. Don't lose hope now" Ant said.

"I have to go see him."

"let's go ask Monte." He said.

"how did you go to the safe house?" I asked him. Knowing Ant it's not something he would just suggest.

"Killa drugged me and I guess he ordered the pilot to drop me here. He put his life in jeopardy to avenge Mir and make sure I don't get hurt because of what he feels for you." He said like he was really processing what Killa did.

"I should've appreciated him more" I felt bad.

"he'll pull through. Don't worry." He said.



I sighed confessing. "I don't think I'll be strong enough to live in our house again. It'll remind me of Mir a lot."

"I know how you feel exactly.  Let's give it a try though.  Amir wouldn't want us to be like this."  He said. I nodded because he was right. Although Mir was younger than Ant, he was always so mature and that's what I loved about him.

We could talk about my problems and always give me advice and make me happy. We walked downstairs and I saw the people had left. I looked at the lounge and there Yasmine was sitting on the couch. She was staring at the TV that was turned off, she looked like she was crying. Ant cleared his throat.

"oh, sorry." She wiped her tears. "They went to the hospital."

I nodded and she got up, she walked closer to me and she was fully blown crying. It's like to me tears were not falling but my heart was broken in million pieces.

She hugged me tight, and honestly I needed a motherly hug right now.  I didn't want to let go and she held on until I was ready to let go. "I will really miss Amir I didn't have the chance to bond with him again. But we were close when he was young."

"I really miss him and I wish all of this is a big nightmare." I admitted and that's when the tears came again.

"you and Anthony can live with me if you feel uncomfortable with the home you have now. I have brought a new house in the same neighbourhood as Fifi and Monte." She offered.

I looked at Ant and he knew this was a good idea because we both didn't feel like living in that house because everything will remind us of Mir.  It's best we sell it. It was under Mir's name but I think in the  will he will give it to Ant.


I walked in the hospital room he was in. I couldn't bear looking at him like this. It was only one visitor at a time, and it was only me and him in the room.

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