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I stared in awe at my new born before she could open her eyes she was so perfect in my eyes. Xavier was still very much in awe as well. I think he was really accepting the fact that he was a dad.

I loved the look he had on his face watching over me and Kairi.  "She has your eyes." He said.

I smiled. "I don't see it."

"I look into them everyday and I fall in love each time. I know she has your eyes." He said. I blushed looking up at him, he chuckled and gave me a short kiss. He really knows how to make me blush.

Scrappy and Nikki came to visit. I was very happy to see her, she was more excited about seeing Kairi. I laughed at her "my god baby looks so adorable!"

Scrappy and Xavier excused themselves I was worried when they walked out. I really hope it's nothing bad.


I looked at Scrappy because I knew it had to be something bad for him to want me outside the room. "what's up?"

"luckily they weren't in your house but they did shot up. It's almost ruined. In your next house you're going to need windows that are secure" he said. I sighed I'm relief that my money and everything are still safe.

"the guards?"

"it looked like a bloody massacre there." He said. Cops are even there.

"you went there?" I asked.

"before I came here." He said.

"damn." I was not in the mood for cops.

I saw Fifi and Monte approaching. I couldn't even smile thinking about the dead guards.

One year later

I couldn't believe that a full year passed by and I am getting married tomorrow. Kairi was now 1 and active as ever. She definitely has her father's personality because they click so much. And she's starting to look a lot like him.

He even watches sport with her even though she's confused she just gets hyped when her father gets hyped.

We moved into a new house that's closer to Fifi, Yas and Ant. I was feeding my princess when her father came downstairs and gave me a kiss. His daughter opened her arms so he could take her. I stopped Xavier  before he could. "I'm still feeding her" I chuckled.

"She looks like she doesn't even want to eat anymore" he smiled at her.

"that's because she's attached to you." I laughed. "I have never seen a child more in love with her father."

"don't worry you'll get a son that'll be way more attached to you." He said

"nope. After 2 years." I said. I want them to at least have a few years apart.

"I know but another child right now wouldn't be bad." He smirked.

"I want one when Kairi is 3 that way she won't feel like we're neglecting her when we're busy with the new born. And work right now is too much " I said.

"told you to open up your own cosmetics shop." He shrugged and took Kairi.

"and sell what? Makeup? That won't be a good income." I said. My job pays me well. Having my own shop means less money and more troubles.

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