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I quickly called Monte because we needed a plan fast and i can't do this on my own. "you're still alive. The plan went well" he chuckled happily.

"not exactly...." I trailed off.

"what's wrong?" He asked.

I sighed. "we couldn't place the bomb in time because we were hurrying Killa to the hospital."

"he's in a hospital?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"yeah. He's in a coma" I told him.

"what! ? I'm coming there." He said.

"we still need a plan for the cops. They may check the cameras out." I reminded him.

"bomb the whole place up!" He shouted.

This Killa situation is making him think irrationally. "the cops might be there!"

"fuck! I'll see if I can hit up my old cop connection and see what I can do." He said.

"do it fast before it blows up in our faces" I said starting to panic.

"make sure you don't leave Killa's side incase anything goes wrong."

"Kenny's father is dead." I told him.

"good. Now we have nothing to worry about." He said.

He hung up. And I placed my phone back at my pocket. There was this nurse who was playing the radio and I heard the news talking about murder of 6 guys in location we were in. I knew then that Kenny's father is really dead and we're in deep shit. There were 5 guards and Kenny's father was the 6th person we killed there.

What worried me the most was the news already having the information. I hope our faces won't be on the news.

"wait! I have an idea!" Gavin said.

"what?!"I looked at him.

"I can try to hack into the camera system if I'm closer to the house." He suggested.

"so we need to risk us being caught. What if they already saw the security system? Then we're giving ourselves to the cops on a silver platter" Luke added

"it's worth a try" Gavin shrugged.

"I agree with Gavin. It's worth a try. Luke don't leave Killa's side and we'll be right back." I told him.

He nodded and folded his arms. I knew he didn't want to go because of the cops so the best way was for him to stay here was stay with Killa.

Me and Gavin rushed to the jeep and we told the driver to drive back to the house but he shouldn't park just near it that it's noticeable. Luckily Gavin got a connection 3 houses away. And he started doing his thing on the laptop. I looked at the neighbours in gowns surrounding the house.

There was the police, and forensic people. I could see the bodies were being put in the forensic car.

"done! All deleted. We're saved!" Gavin laughed. If they already saw it, Monte would have to handle it for us.

"not exactly but yeah?" I asked him

"we're going to have to throw away all the guns we used so we don't get anything that leads us to this." He said.

I smiled a small smile then ordered the driver to drive us back to the hospital. We can't risk the cops seeing us. At the hospital we found Luke at the same place we left him and I was happy he didn't move because I still don't trust anyone.

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