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After i ran her a bath, and gave her painkillers because she said it was painful peeing and she was in pain like walking different. I never fucked a virgin before so I didn't know what to do, so I gave her painkillers.

I was worried about her, she didn't even want to wear an underwear so I gave her one of my t-shirts then we went to sleep. I yawned waking up and it was late probably 10:00pm, I was surprised to see Zalia looking at me. She was awake. "you're okay?"

She nodded, and I knew this was going to happen. She probably started feeling regret. "baby talk to me. Don't shut me out." I said bring her closer and holding her tight.

"I gave you something I really value, please don't play with me." She said. I could tell she was serious.

"hey! Stop thinking like that. We're stuck forever. You know I would never hurt you intentionally. If I hurt you then I'd be hurting myself." I told her.

"I love you so much, Xavier."

"I love you too." I kissed her, so she would know I meant it. I know that she's scared I might leave her after having sex but I wouldn't.  I had to wait for almost a year to finally sleep with her. She's definitely the one I'm going to marry,  the one I see my children looking like.

The kiss started getting heated, then I kissed her neck wrapping her one leg on my waist

" it's painful. " she said before I even put it in.

"I promise it won't be as painful as the first." I said really wanting to make love to her again. I rubbed my dick on her pussy, and it was wet from our heated kisses, she took off the t-shirt. While I slowly entered inside of her. I paused for a little while so she can adjust again. I started moving slowly. This time around she wasn't jumpy a lot.

Through the process, she started moaning as I showered her boobs and shoulder with kisses. Creating love bites marking my territory. I moved her, so she can lay on her back and I was on top. She held both of my hands, and our hands were intertwined while I was going in and out slowly and kissing her while she was moaning, her moans matched my groans.

Then she started moaning loudly matching my rhythm I smiled because she was finally enjoying it. We repeated the same movement and I knew I would cum so I had to make sure she came first, I held it in. I loved this girl so much that making love with her is probably the best things I could do.

She removed her hands, and wrapped them on my neck pulling me closer. Our bodies were so close and connected I could feel her body heat on me. She came, moaning right in my ear so sexy that I followed right after her. Once I was finished releasing my load inside of her. I pulled out and smiled kissing her forehead.  I pulled her next to me, she chuckled.  "is it still painful?" I asked her still worried.

" yes but not when we're having it. The pleasure covers the pain. It's painful when you put it in"

I nodded smiling at her. I fixed her hair which was all over her face. She smiled biting her lip. "you have to get me morning after pills. I don't want to get pregnant."

"okay, early in the morning. " I said still tired.


"where am i going to get them now baby?" I chuckled.

"Xavier I'll forget in the morning." She sighed.

I smiled. "I'll remind you". She folded her arms pouting. I sighed taking my phone and calling the one of my boys to get after pills from the drug store.

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