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I glared at Scrappy, he always did have a loose mouth when he was drunk. Nikki looked at us shocked. I couldn't bare looking at Zalia and seeing her sad eyes, I knew Omar still held a special place in her heart because he was the first boyfriend she had and he died while they were on good terms. She also doesn't know how many people I've killed for her except for Kayla and knowing her that's probably the real reason she's mad.

She roughly removed my hand and walked out the club. I sighed gulping all the Hennessy shot in my mouth. "you better fucking pray she forgives me."

I said to Scrappy in anger. I ran after Zalia and I sighed when I saw she was already outside with tears, her phone was on that let me know she called an Uber. I was drunk but not too drunk and I didn't want to argue right now. "Zalia please-"

"don't you dare fucking talk to me!" She shouted.  My jaws furrowed in anger, people who waited in line to get in were looking at us chuckling. She needed to show me at least a bit of respect before I become a joke to these streets.

"Zalia get back in that club." I told her but it came off as a demand because now I was angry. She ignored me. "we will talk like proper adults in my office. Get back in that fucking club right now!"

"fuck you Killa! I knew you were bad I just didn't know you would do this! An innocent person! Why?!" She cried finally looking at me. It hurt me seeing her cry like this.

"Zalia I'm not repeating myself." I said trying to intimidate her so she can listen to me. I wanted us to talk inside because these people staring at us were making me angry

The Uber parked next to us since it was the only parking space left. "I can't believe you're this evil."

She took off her ring and that's when I started panicking. She threw it at me and got in the Uber. I picked it up and before I could run to her she was already locked the door and the car left "fuck!"

I didn't care about the stares. I stormed inside angrily, how could my own best friend snitch me out! To my soon to be wife! He knows how much she means to me! "I'm so sorry bro. It just came out, I don't even know what happened. I thought it's something she knew already-"

Before he could even proceed I threw the first punch. Making us fight in the club. Everyone's attention was on us. I could mostly hear Nikki screaming. When the fight was officially broken off, I could see I did him bad, and I knew he had good jabs too, I won't lie at all. I had the advantage of being taller and muscular. "you better fucking pray she doesn't leave me because your life will be hell with your fucking loose ass mouth."

I pushed the guy holding me. Then I rushed out the club. When I was at Yas' crib she told me Zalia specifically told her I shouldn't go to her, but Yas likes me as her son in law so she let me go upstairs.

I knocked on her door, I heard her light "come in" I knew she was crying and it broke me that I was the reason for that. But I don't regret what I did because then I wouldn't have had her.

I could see a bit of concern on her face because I was bruised but her face went back to anger quick. "Zalia can we talk please"

She sat up and glared at me, but I wasn't giving up at all. She groaned throwing her pillow at me. "leave! I fucking hate you for making me feel the blood on my hands. How could you!? I could forgive the Kayla part but Omar!? You knew how much he meant to me! He was my  sanity and my first boyfriend and first kiss. You called me same night to comfort me was that your plan? You just had to kill him because you're a selfish bastard and I honestly deserve better."

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