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I got in the car, inside the range rover was Scrappy, some other guy with Gavin and I was confused where Monte was.

"Where is Monte?" I asked.

"I had to let him go to my house.  OG and the others are with him for safety purposes." Killa answered.

"I'm surprised he agreed to go." Scrappy chuckled. We drove for a long time. They were busy talking while my mind was far away.

Man I wish after killing those guys that Mir returns.  I wish the body we saw was just a lookalike dead body or something! I just can't lose him. How will I handle Zalia all alone? He knew the right words to say to her, I don't even know how to raise her alone. "Ant!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. I understand Killa is trying to look out for Zalia but I don't want him to treat me like a child. I am a grown man.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm introducing you to the person Monte sent." He said

"Oh sorry" I said.

"that's Luke." I nodded and again they started talking again. I was ready to kill people and I want that man dead today. 

"anybody talked to Cardo?" Scrappy asked.

"I called him earlier to check on him. He's okay, I gave him money to get out of New York for a while.  He means a lot to Zalia so I have to make sure he's safe too." Killa replied looking at the road.

"at least he's still alive." Scrappy said.

Finally after so long. We arrived at the destination and I could see the helicopters from a far. I got out first then they all got out. I was in a hurry to leave, and get this job done.

Killa went to talk with the pilots. There were 2 helicopters and in each helicopter 4 people can get in. I knew I was going to ride alone because I didn't want them to annoy me talking a lot when all I want is silence.

I looked at Killa talking to those guys. He gave another dude something.  I was confused what it is.  The pilot came to me and I was still suspicious and I think he realized it because he went passed me and Killa came to talk to me. "what are you planning?"

He looked at me. "nothing.  The pilots need a little break we'll be going in no time."

Then I felt someone go deep in my arm. I groaned in pain and I looked at the needle. I glared at Killa feeling drowsy. The pilot stabbed me with a needle.

"she can't lose you too, Anthony." He said. I couldn't even reply. I was so angry though. That he would go against my decision to be apart of the plan and kill Kenny's father with them. I fell into deep sleep.


I took out the needle that was filed with Sedative hypnotic which was a sleeping drug. I needed the pilot to drop Ant at the safe house just in case this plan doesn't go well.

I don't want him hurt in the process. I helped Scrappy carry him into the helicopter. "he's going to be angry as fuck when he wakes up"

"I don't care. As long as he's safe. I'm doing this for Zalia" I said.

"you're really feeling this girl. " he said smiling.

"more than you know bro" I admitted.


We got off the helicopters and luckily there wasn't any cars or houses in the place.  Only 1 Jeep and I figured it was the car for us.

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