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After our steamy session we were taking a rest and I thought this would be the perfect time to talk him out of killing Mason. "baby"

"yeah?" He stopped concentrating at the game and looked at me.

"you can't kill Mason." I told him.

"he touched you Zalia." He said that like I almost forgot or something.

"I know but Sharon already promised me she'll change me to take care of someone else." I was going back to that job. I don't care what he says.

"who's that?" He asked confused

"his sister." I told him.

"she's just trying to save her brother's ass." He said getting angry again.

"you still can't kill him." I told him. He didn't respond and I picked my head up from his chest and looked at him. He was staring into my eyes I could see that he had anger. "baby you can't go around killing people. One day you will get caught."

Tears fell down. I knew once the waterworks fall he will fall into it. I don't want Xavier in trouble because of me. "I won't kill him on one condition"

"Really?" I asked. "Fine. anything."

"you quit" he said like he said something so small or irrelevant. He did not care.

"that. I'm not doing!" I told him. He should just respect my decision

"you're being selfish right now. All this stress is not good for the baby." I knew he would do this.

"you're the one stressing me! Do you have to control me all the time! " I snapped.

"I'm trying to protect you!" He snapped too.

"I have a tracker. I have 5 bodyguards. I have 2 cars following me all the time. I don't even have a moment to myself. You're doing too much." I sighed.

"Zalia you don't understand. I am the leader now. You need all of this protection I dare slip up once that's your life and our baby's life on the line." He spoke in now a calm voice.

"baby, you're already doing a lot you don't need to worry. But I like being independent, I like having my own money. I need just that. I didn't study all those years to be a housewife."

"there's nothing wrong with that. Fifi is a housewife" he shrugged. I glared at him, he's crazy if he thinks I'll be at housewife. I got up from the bed. And started going to the bathroom for a shower. "you're not even listening to the reasons why."

"I won't be a housewife Killa. We're done talking about it." I said.

"then bye bye Mason." He shrugged.

"see who you'll marry." I mimicked his shrug.

"over that punk?" He looked at me like I didn't just say that.

"no! Over you being a control freak... baby can't you at least wait until I find another job? Don't kill him, everyone will suspect me." I pleaded knowing him by know he'll definitely kill him regardless of what I say.

"fine. I won't kill him, I'm getting you a new job though." He said.


After a week me, Wiz, Scrappy, and K9 waited for Mason in the basement parking. I needed to teach him a lesson. Nobody touches my wife and I let it slide.

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