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After all I did getting ready, I was done to go get tested and got birth control pills. I didn't want to say no to Yasmine because she looked so angry and I couldn't say no, it's my first time seeing her that angry.

I was in a long dress that wasn't tight at all. I wasn't wearing an underwear because my vagina was still in pain when walking. Maybe 4 rounds was overdoing it? Zay will wait for a week before I open my legs again.

Yas quickly drove me to the doctor. I haven't seen her in a while, she smiled at me. "still having the panic attacks?" Dr Vane looked at me.

"no." I smiled.

"it's been a while since I seen you here. It's great seeing you." She said giving back the smile.

"thank you" I smiled. "merry Christmas."

"you too, sweetheart. Right after you I'm clocking out and heading back home to my family for some celebration time." She said.

We both smiled at each other. Yas was also smiling. She didn't want to appear as rude, and I totally understand. "what's the special visit for?"

"uhm... I want to get tested and I want to get birth control pills." I said glancing at Yas.

"can the lovely lady wait outside?" She looked at Yasmine.

"oh sorry, I'll be waiting in the waiting room." She said getting up. I nodded, and she left. The doctor did her thing.

"so who's the special guy?"

I chuckled. "Xavier."

"nice name" she smiled. "where did you guys meet?"

"My house. He's works with my brother" I said then I frowned thinking about Mir. I really miss him.

"I love seeing you this happy. You're not the same girl from when I met you that was always in here with the panic attacks. You have really grown up. I am happy." She grinned.

"thank you. And also thank you for recommending Dr Williams. She's amazing." I thanked her.

"I knew you would love the session. She's one of the best. I'm really happy things are looking out for you, Zalia." She said and I held my tears back.  She was a major reason for my growth.

She hugged me then gave me a cup. I knew where the restroom was, so I knew I had to pee. Lord that was going to be a challenge knowing how painful it is to pee. She did the expensive quick STD test.

After all of that. I had to wait before I was told my results. She had given me the pills. Doc called me up again. And Yas walked with me inside her office. I told her she could come so she can hear about my results because I know they're clean.

"okay, with the birth control pills you may feel nausea but that's normal. You may also gain weight, experience headaches. Your breasts become tender. Get depression. Get cramps. But all of this is normal or it might not happen but if it does. It's normal "

I nodded as listened attentively to her giving the pros and cons of the birth control "but it's still not okay to have unprotected sex. You and your partner need to come here and get tested together. Am I making myself clear?"

I nodded and she smiled. "everything is clean. She doesn't have any diseases or has she contracted anything. She isn't pregnant either."

I smiled, and looked at Yas like i told you so she chuckled. "I just want her safe. That's all"

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