Chapter 4 ~Mycroft Holmes~

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I started walking. When I turned around a corner, a black car stopped in front of me. The left-back door was opened and a woman in her thirties looked up to me.
"Hello, Detective (y/l). Get in the car, please."
I looked her up and down. Deducing every bit of her.
"Well Athena, or should I say Andrea? I guess I shouldn't let your boss wait since he plays a major role in the government, now should I?" I asked sarcastically, getting in the car. I had nothing to worry about their intentions weren't bad and even if something happens I could easily get out whenever I wanted. The woman, who obviously the assistant of the man I was supposed to meet, was rather stunned by my sudden deduction.
The car drove to an empty fabric building. We stopped in front of the main entrance.
I opened the door knowing I should get out. I took a last look at the driver. "You should make it less obvious that you own a Bobtail, it's unprofessional, " I told him while closing the door I could see the extreme surprise on his face and turned my back with a stoic expression on my face.
My mind raced. I concluded and all of a sudden... Mycroft Holmes. Who else should it be? From my former occupation, I knew who he was, I basically knew the entire government without them knowing. Who else should it be? It screamed his name and since I just got confronted with his brother it was the only logical conclusion. He couldn't know who I was, could he? No definitely not. I myself made sure that I don't exist. Of course, I made up a little backstory but he would immediately know it was fake. I stepped into the room in which a blueish light was glooming.
There was a tall figure with an umbrella standing directly in the light. It was indeed Mycroft Holmes.
"Detective (y|l), may I introduce myself, I'm..." he started sounding monotonous and cold, but I interrupted him in the same cold manner. "Mycroft Holmes, the boss of Andrea over here and you have as you would call it "a minor position in the British government". Which basically means you are the British government. So did you take me here to offer me payment to spy on your brother, or did you want to intimidate me so I will be nice to him?" I asked coldly and sarcastically. I could hear his assistant gasp behind me. He gave me a cold and irritated look.
"A smart one are you? Who did you get that information from Dr. Watson?" the older Holmes asked me raising an eyebrow.
"No, as you know since you spy on basically everyone even standing near your brother, " I replied calmly.
"If you are that smart you can already figure why I brought you here today, " he replied stoically.
"It's rather frustrating if you always know everything about everyone and all of a sudden there is someone standing in front of you, who is barely deducible and has apparently a very thin history, isn't it?" I retorted. I saw that he didn't like what I was saying even though he remained stoic.
He walked up to me, trying to intimidate me, which would have probably worked with every other person, but not with me.
"I want to know what you are hiding and if you don't tell me I got my ways, " he almost whispered in his low, deep voice.
"You don't want to mess with me Mr. Holmes, " I said not backing up.
"Why did you plan to save my brother in that school building. You followed him there and you aimed, you were seconds away from shooting. Why?" the British government asked me.
"Because I could and what does that tell you, Mr. Holmes?"
"You are not a detective," he concluded. "If you could shoot like that and perform your little motorcycle trick, I guess you have an agency background, " He said.
"Nice conclusion, Mr. Holmes. Just know I won't shoot your brother any time soon. I have to keep going. There is a case to solve, " I said leaving. Surprisingly he didn't try to hold me back. When I exited the building Athena was trying to keep up with my paste.
"I received orders to drop you off again," she told me. I looked at my phone. Holmes was back at Baker Street. "Then 221b Baker Street would be the right spot to do so, " I replied.

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