Chapter 7 ~completly functional~

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I left them in total shock.
The jelling behind me echoed through the tunnel. When I reached the entrance, a bright light blinded me instantly.
Five police cars circled the entrance. Policemen with their guns pointed right at me stood at each door of the vehicles. The officer who blinded me yelled into a megaphone, wanting me to put my hands above my head and drop down on the ground.
I totally ignored them, if they would open fire on me they would see what that would bring them. I walked straight towards the middle vehicle in front of the jelling cop. The guns klicked.
"Stand down right now, or we will open fire immediately!" He exclaimed in a total rage.
I didn't even think about stopping and looked the man dead in the eyes. Even tho I recognized he wasn't playing games and was about to pull the trigger.
At that moment a car pulled up behind the police car I was heading towards.
"Don't shoot!" Lestrade screamed jumping out of the car running in my direction.
"Guns down, now!"
"But detective inspector Lestrade..." The cop complained.
"I said now!" Lestrade wasn't playing either.
"That is a detective (y|l|n), are you blind, Wilson?" He asked aggressively.
"But the terrorists... " he tried again.
"You go sit down in the car right now!" He was definitely pissed.
I just kept walking 'till I reached him.
"They are down. You just have to handcuff them and take them to the yard. Dr. Watson, his companion, and Holmes are not badly wounded, " I finished my emotionless and sober monologue.
"No backup was needed, which wasn't assessable earlier, " I told him coldly and walked away. He tried to grab my arm, but I turned quickly, facing him again.
I looked him dead in the face, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you alright? Any wounds or injuries?" He asked seriously concerned.
"Completely functional, " I replied coldly, walking away.
Lestrad didn't follow me. I walked up to my motorcycle but was blocked by another car pulling up directly in front of me. Holmes. God. He really was annoying.
I opened the backdoor looking at Andrea's shocked face and got in.
"He could have just called, " I told her coldly. She didn't reply and her expression remained shocked.
We drove through London and I quickly recognized where we headed to Mycroft Holmes office.

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