💚ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖: 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕕𝕝𝕪💚

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--- A Couple of Hours Later ---

The hours flew as slowly as an old man's sluggish, clumsy motions.

The wee hours of the morning were embraced by the eloquent, elating sound of the chirping birds, encompassing the grand, old, dilapidating façade by arresting and jailing prisoners whether for a few years. Or otherwise with capital punishment for the vicious, relentless crimes they've committed against the general population, besides themselves.

The prison, where Cayden and Andrea were under arrest and most of all being jailed until the trial that was about to be soon or rather within a couple of months for Cayden since he has committed maliciously bloodthirsty crimes unlike the inmate, whom he bumped into.

When the security guards of the wards released the prisoners to go to the common room to have a low-quality, loathing breakfast, the Italian compatriot seated all alone by himself. Since didn't behold the blonde crowding with the horde of prisoners, sharing the similar or on the contrary peculiarly same fate as his.

His breakfast diet was actually a glass of water, a plain, white mug of hot caffeine beverage, a cup of cream wheat, three oz. Scrambled eggs and a toasted slice of wheat bread with margarine, sorted exquisitely on the platter that was sitting on the wooden old, mapped with scrapes table.

His rueful chocolate brown irises as its most somber pigments were blazing, exposing the genuine nuances of his recent feelings and emotions. He felt like a hopeless, wretched soul behind jail bars as if the serial killer felt like a phantom, peregrinating from one angle to another. A grotesque, grimaced frown was swaying across his dry lips, lowering his stare sheepishly at his breakfast meal, playing absent-mindedly with the iron, rusty fork between his both fingers, shaping a gap.

Blatant laughs, cries and screams floated in the background, mingling altogether as if it bore a semblance of a madhouse common room. The turmoil's symphony was finally playing in the background. It didn't even necessitate any professionals or hobbyists.

„I never thought these bastards would be escorted by the cops to get me." In the meantime, the middle-aged man gawked glassily, blankly at his platter without altering its nuances in his vision. „But it was sure Judy will survive and all this shit. I can't accept the defeat at all!" A murmur lingered on his tongue as his mouth was mildly salivating in slimy drip, resembling a vampire gore drip after slitting and drinking their prey' precious, erringly sweet blood, staining their ivory, vampiric teeth.

All of a sudden, the hooker set foot in the common room with a platter of the same breakfast menu which every prisoner was ensured with after having a catnap that aggravated her condition as well. Her naturally rosy-coloured, soft as satin lips curled in a pout, squinting up at the ducked head of the sole person she was socializing with here since her arrest which was a day before Cayden's one.

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