Valentine's Day

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Author's Note: I'd like to apologize for postponing with a day and something to publish the new chapter, nevertheless, I got hooked on Breaking Bad by being obsessed and being the crucial reason for my writer's block so bear with me.  In addition to, I'd like to thank for 100 followers as this chapter is with over 15000 words, hence, it's a special gift for every reader for the 100th follower special. First and foremost, I'd like to thank you for reaching 100 followers today in Wattpad and for being loyal supporters of mine even to these, who actively follow for any updates of my stories! It truly means a lot to me since I'm in Wattpad for 2 years and 2 months with the unbelievable sum of 100 followers.

Furthermore, I'd like to thank to these, who spare their time to read even vote and leave a feedback on my stories and one-shot series, regardless how sloppy and bland they appear to be at times since I despise to delay with the updates!Last but not least, I'd like to apologize for postponing with updating Wings of Light but the writer's block got me lately since I got obsessed with Breaking Bad and losing motivation to write from time to time. Anyway the new chapter is going to be up within a few hours only so that to kill your worries if you're eagerly following the story! Once again, every follower, every reader and every active follower of mine earns my ginormous gratitude for this support which built me as a writer, besides making new friendships with certain prominent people who already know!So much love for everybody!Alex xoxo

Anyway the 18th chapter of Wings of Light's Spotify playlist can be found there:

I hope you like and enjoy this chapter! :) 

Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Mother, he changed for better! He's not the man yar eyes claim to see as mirages. I know him very well for these years as we both have been through a lot than my words could even describe. Not only he helped me to give a birth to our ray of sunshine as I'm luckier than anything to have both of them especially the thing that I graced our small family, moreover he gave me home. I've everything I'd dream of as a young woman. I'm loved and I'm happy with everything I've. I've my own job that I work with pleasure."

"You have right, my child! So as I know both of you pretty well, I think he's bad intentions as well. Do not get hooked on the fish too quickly! He's fishing for your trust so that somehow to take away Edward from you by blinding you again with his manipulative intentions and eventually you lose everything. Your home. Your son. Literally everything that satisfied you. He will be back in the church one day and pursue his dream as a Cardinal and afterwards a Pope."

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"It's a pleasure, Sister Jude. Monsignor Timothy Howard!" 

"It's mine pleasure, Father Howard. Sister Jude Martin!" 

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"M-Mother Claudia? What time is now? I see I've been asleep for more than two hours." 

"It's true. It scares me Edward hasn't been awake for a few hours, crying out loud for being fed.

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"Yeah, yeah! I've been told so many times I'm so kind by Jude. Let's raise a beer toast for the men's beer party!"

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