Blustery Wedding

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Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Andrea, I've something to confess to you!" 

"What would be your confession, darling?"

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"O-Oh God! N-No! It's impossible! Kenneth, wake up,"

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"That's sucks anyway! I just don't want neither of ya having the same experience as mine! It's like watching either ya or our lovely cherub angel going through the same shit and following my steps into the darkness, where the escape is minimally guaranteed to save either of you. Needless to mention, what is being a prisoner of an undeserved destiny which isn't yar fault at all."

"I love how caring you're actually for me and our lovely cherub angel, but do you know what it was worse in my family's case if you ask me?"

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"What kind of outfits are you exactly looking for, Cass?"

"Something simply and fashionable."

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"What's the point of being jealous of somebody's hair that is constantly tied in buns and ponytails, honey?"

"At least, you have worn it down a couple of times!"

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--- Flashback ---

--- 13th of June, 1957 ---

A mere day. Just like every elapsing day, either carelessly or prominently pockmarked on the annual calendar. For certain scale of the general population today or another day would be truly meaningful, prominent in certain notion. The medley of mindsets would perceive today's day as ascension, nemesis, christening, resuscitation or anything else they'd genuinely, crudely address it with its true sobriquet.

With the elapsing days and weeks, the phenomenal anomaly of the seasons' cusp and bestowing the atmosphere with the wee alludes of the summer were approaching sooner than later. Furthermore, the freshly balmy climate in Vermont was vibrantly beaming at the surroundings and swaddling them warmly under Mother nature's late spring warm quilt and the nocturnal daily episodes bristling and waltizing a delightfully lukewarm early summer breeze, caressing and fondling featherly soft the surroundings and emboldening their very existence.

It's been a handful of days since the holy priest has metaphorically said goodbye to his birth land due to his passionate pursuation of his dreams in his second land, where he hasn't even being raised or at least adopting welcomingly to the foreign atmosphere. Anyway the homesickening timbre of his farewell with northern London and the commonly hideous rainy, muddy days were a plus for him to adopt or at least encounter the American's medley of atmospheres and climates especially with his choice of northern state Vermont. Miraculously the days weren't ambiguously rainy, nor headstrongly cloudy in the British compatriot's case.

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