Choices' Sunrise

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Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Edward, little cherub angel, guess who's back! Sweetheart, no! Edward, it's not healthy to eat your stuffed animals and toys! Mommy and Daddy won't be okay if there are bacterias and germs in your tiny, sweet mouth."


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"Stay away from the flower store, you little bastards! I gotcha you!"

"Shut up you dyke! The fact that you've a gun, that doesn't mean we're afraid of you!"

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"So as we promised together the night was all ours, correct? That's right. Even if that lesbian tried to molest you or something, it didn't mean to entirely ruin the fun we had and the fantastic romantic experience by driving us to the lake and sleeping in the car, while Maddie is minding her business with Edward."

"I think you're definitely right! Even if something tries to ruin a good experience, it didn't mean for the whole day. Timothy,"

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"It could be. It didn't really look like if you watched from the car the scenery in the gas store. She was saying dreadful things about us and plotting a delicious slaughter of our family. She threatened me I'll be the first one whose grave she will be dancing on with her father and her uncle."

"Jesus H Christ! I knew it Cayden that psychotic bastard will tell absolutely to his family or whoever it could be to plot our assassination even slaughter. I didn't suspect even Cayden has a family that support his atrocities after for trying to rape me after sedating me and throwing me as a corpse in the attic, locking me up in a cage and the brutal murders, kidnaps and rapes of other girls who're already eliminated. He eliminates anything feminine."

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"Needless to say, little cherub angel! You're absolutely right that I mustn't be upset that your parents are so irresponsible to let me know even if they're still alive. I hope they're fine." 

"Hey, look who's home! Mommy and Daddy!"

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"It looks like, Ms.Gray, that you didn't answer sincerely the first question at all! Moreover, Mr. Howard had a key witness who was in his car and observed the scene in the gas store, although she's now at home with their child. Second question! Is it true you harassed Mr. Howard while being in the store, constantly chattering behind him even when he's ignoring you until he snapped at you due to the inhumane threats... threats of dancing on his grave or either of his inner circle's grave eventually?"

"Never make a threat you cannot carry out, Miss! Never! "Mr. Howard, what exactly you did after this young lady threatened you to dance on your graves and your family being slaughtered?"

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"Sure! You're so beautiful even when you wear my almost unworn boxers and T-shirt. Did I tell you that?" 

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