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Previously on Wings of Light:

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"Here you are, Mr. Howard!" 

"Good morning, Mrs. Darkwood! Right on time!"

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"Well, I was pretty younger when everything started, my child! It was in the beginning of my forties when I lost my mother as she died in her own sleep. She was regularly smoking and spending the last yearsof her life after retirement in smoking, gardening, cooking and baking. She was at home all day and she was living in my home after a group of vulgar adolescents wanted to prank her with setting on fire her old house."

"My goodness! We're very sorry for your mother loss, Mother Superior!"

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"Don't worry about them! The holy water is actually the water in the swimming pool, while the nuns are the ones who pleasure them as they're sunbathing like frogs!"

"So if they sin, therefore the holy water swimming pool will be their punishment and burn them to bones if they swim into it as God grants them what they truly deserve?"

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--- Flashback ---

--- 13th of December, 1949 ---

The late forties indicated almost the apogee of it's a decade or rather the progress from the forties up to the fifties. A new decade. What it exactly meant? A new era. Different time. Different dreams. Different challenges. Different ordeals. A sheer catharsis. Just the differences between the cusp of the last year of the forties decade and almost the very first year of the fifties is arcanely tremendous even if it's a few years the real distance of the timelines.

The time is altering just like the climate. Quite changeable, isn't that simply ironic, is it? Sometimes it was chaotically foggy and heavy rain violently, passionately showering with its wryly bittersweet, crystalline God's tears, hallowedly nurturing and fertilizing everything which hasn't even phased utterly. Sometimes the climate was pleasantly balmy and swaddling warmly, conveniently everything below, whilst eagerly sitting in the sky cozily. It was a meaningful reminder even if it's been a year or at least a few months elapsed solely, subsequently they could be even more adventurously dynamic with abundance of tribulations and processes rather than a handful of decades for example.

Within the approaching Christian holidays and the most prominent Christmas in less than two weeks, the sheerly unblemished snow passionately flaked with its rich ocean of tiny, alabaster snowflakes until they gently, friendly tickled the ground and perpetually piled up their own wights. Vermont became a prosperiously lavish early winter vista of magnificence and esthetics, depicting every petty, discreet detail behind its depiction. The early winter's refreshing, severe wind vehemently, childishly waltez in the outskirts like a phenomenal performance of its exquisitely talented dancers.

The nocturnal episode of the day fiercely darkened the sky and obscuring the daylight's reminiscent sunny light showering sweetly with its vibrant, jubilant smile, bleeding thickly, wonderfully its sheer charm and radiance.

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